Chapter 19

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So guys here is the update.. i will post forbidden tomorrow then i will post neighbour..

Enjoy reading..

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GUYS PLZZ NOMINATE ALL MY STORIES FOR EXCELENCE AWARD WHICH sarahpeyton1 is conducting plzzz guys nominate for me plzz..



After school, Navya drove us to the family planning clinic.

I took a number and because I hadn't been there before, I had to fill out a ton of forms about my personal details, current sex life and my medical history. After about an hour of waiting, I was called through to a white sterile room where a lady was waiting there for me.

"Hi, Nandini. Come on in," she said, smiled and pointed to a chair.

"Hi," I croaked nervously, sitting down opposite her.

"You don't have to be nervous. I'm not going to bite!" she chuckled. I smiled nervously.

"So, what can I do for you today?" she asked, flipping through the forms that I'dfilled in.

"Well, my boyfriend and I are getting pretty serious and are talking about having sex, so I wanted to go on the pill. Is that something I can do here, or do I need to go to my own doctor?" I asked, playing with my hands, blushing.

She smiled kindly. "You can certainly do that here. It says here that you're a virgin," she said, flipping through my forms again.

"Er, yeah I am." I blushed harder, wishing the ground would open up and swallow me.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, Nandini. I think it's great that you're here. I see so many young girls who don't think about going on the pill until it's too late. It's refreshing to have a young girl being so responsible," she stated, patting my hand.

"OK, I just need to get some information, like blood pressure and weight and such. Then we can talk about which one will suit you best, alright?"She said.

After I had done my blood pressure and weight and worked out my BMI we were both sat back down near her desk.

"Right, well I recommend that you go for the combination pill. You take it every day, at the same time each day for three weeks, then you don't take it for a week which will be when you have your period. It's very effective and it's what most young girls go for," she explained, smiling.

I nodded and smiled because everything seemed to be falling into place.

"That sounds good." She grabbed her pad and scribbled a prescription."You can get this filled right next door. I've given you a three month supply so I can check how you get on. Next time, if all's OK, then we'll go for six months," she explained.

"Yeah, thank you." I smiled gratefully because she had made this so much easier on me than I thought it would be.

"So, I'll give you a leaflet to read, but the important things to note are: you have to take it at the same time every day, and you have to take it every day apart from your week off." She smiled and handed me the prescription.

"Make sure you read the leaflet about what you do if you miss one, or if you vomit after you take it, because that can stop it working. I'll give you some of these to keep you safe until you are into the swing of your pill, OK." She grabbed a handful of condoms and put them in a brown bag for me.

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