Chapter 1

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"You guys ready?" I ask, looking at all of them, with their faces full of eager and determination.

"Yes," They answered in unison.

"Then let's go to the mortal realm." I close my eyes and feel magic in the air. Wind blew in my face. I open my eyes to a driveway leading to a big house. The sky was dim and warm. We made it to the mortal realm.


Since we were in the ages of a teenager, we were filled with an average human knowledge. Memes, intelligence, food, etc. We already know how to talk, eat, sleep, walk, breathe, and other human things.

"YES!!! WE MADE IT TO FOOD HEAVEN!!!" Taurus screams. We were now inside the living room, in our human forms. We all went our separate ways. Pisces and Aquarius went to the couch, turning on the TV. Aries went to explore the house. Capricorn is looking for a book to read. Virgo and Taurus in the kitchen, both for different reasons. Cancer and Scorpio are on a laptop. Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius are playing a game of cards.

"You guys do know the reason we came here for, right?" I say, stretching out my arms. We didn't come here to have fun, eat, or other things humans do. I plop myself on the end of the couch.

"Food? We don't have any of these in the Celestial realm, am I right?" Taurus answers, putting his hand up for a high-five towards Virgo. Virgo rolls her eyes and continues cooking.

"Are we going to what humans call 'Hell'? Or was it called school?" Scorpio asks, turning his gaze to me.

"Actually, yes. If we find Ophiuchus in school, then we could beat him up right there. He's most likely not using his powers there." I answer.

"If we were going to school, it's better to not use our powers there." Capricorn retorts.

"STUPID WIFI!!!" Aries shouts. I look around for Aries, but she's not on the first floor. She must be upstairs. I sigh. Knew we should've gotten a better cable.

"Yea, no kidding," Cancer mutters, clicking the mouse button as fast as he can.

"I love this show already!" Aquarius exclaims, looking at a show called, "The Amazing World of Gumballs" on the TV.

"We're getting off track," I sigh, "we're supposed to capture Ophiuchus! You guys know what will happen if we don't." Everyone becomes quiet. Even Cancer stops clicking his mouse.

"Why can't we have fun? Why? I know it's important for us to capture Ophiuchus, but can we at least have some fun? It's  boring in the Celestial realm." Aries argues.

"Humanity rests on us! The human race will come to extinction or will become his slaves!" I snap back. Aries come downstairs and quietly sits on a chair. Aquarius turns off the TV. Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio leave. Virgo stops cooking. Taurus stops taking food from the fridge. Gemini, Sagittarius, and Libra keep their gaze on me. Capricorn closes her book. It was quiet.

Until dinner time.


"Ok, I promise this is the last refill." Taurus says, grabbing his 6th refill on spaghetti. He sat back down on a chair.

"So... I've been thinking what Aries was saying. You guys are right. So, tomorrow we're going to the beach!" I announce, trying lighten the mood. "We are in Florida."

"Yay!" Aries screams. She gets up and does a dance.

"What the heck is that?"

"My victory dance."

"That looks like a pregnant chicken."

"Chickens are always pregnant, right?"

"Google it, don't ask me!"

"I thought you were smart enough, but guess not."

Cancer pulls his phone out. "Siri, WHAT ARE THOSE?!"

"You did not."

"But I did."

"I'm sorry, what was that again?" Siri replies in a robotic voice.

"Forget it." Cancer puts his phone back in his pocket.

They argue till what felt like hours.

"I'm sleepy. See ya, suckers!"

"I'm going too."

One by one, they left upstairs. 6 of the girls would be in the master bedroom, having 3 bunk beds. 4 of guys would share one room. Capricorn and I wanted our own separate rooms, making the 4 rooms all occupied. I was the last one to go upstairs into my room.

I twist open the doorknob, revealing a navy blue room with a beige carpet. There was a door to the closet on the right. A bed fills the room, and to the left of it a wooden desk and chair with a laptop. My closet was already filled modern clothes. We gave ourselves everything a teenager would need. I lay on bed, ignoring the fact that we all didn't take a shower or brush teeth. But that could wait for tomorrow. What I need is a relaxing moment. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

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