Chapter 18

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Gradually, as we were researching, the rest of the zodiacs come one by one from their jobs.

All of them whining about their jobs, of course. Who wouldn't?

Capricorn, being curious, decided to be a babysitter, like me and Pisces. (Or Pisces and I. Same difference)

Once Capricorn entered the front door, all she said was, "It wasn't as bad as you guys said it was."

Which confused Pisces and I.

"What kind of angel did you get?" Pisces says once Capricorn explained how babysitting Brittnay wasn't bad.

"And she was paid more than us!" I say.

Life is so unfair.

The door bursts open, revealing Gemini having a wad of money, and throwing it all over the living room floor. There was also "Ultimate" by Denzel Curry playing on her phone.

I hear a sigh that was from Virgo, as she walks out to get the broom.

"Wassup, bit-" Gemini stops herself, remembering that rule where you can't cuss in this household.

Which was stupid, cussing relieves stress after all.

"...female dogs." Gemini continues on with her greeting.

She finishes 'making it rain' and walks towards Pisces, Capricorn, and I. "Guess what job I got?" Her tone fills with excitement.

Virgo comes out of the closet (she's not queer though) with the broom and sweeps up the mess Gemini didn't bother to clean up.

"'Preciate it, my homie." Gemini gives a slight nod to Virgo, which she ignores.

Gosh, this is cringey. (How is that not a word yet)

"Anyway, guess which job I got." Gemini leans against the counter, looking at every zodiac.

"I'd say strip club, but you're not that type of person." Aquarius says.



"Going on a date with a rich person you somehow found on the street?"

"I wish, but no."

Silence fills the room as we ponder what Gemini did to earn that type of money.

"We give up," I speak.

"Aw, come on! Guess!"

"We don't know," I say.

"Ugh... you guys aren't fun." She sticks out her tongue and answers her own question, "A dj."

"Well, that explains the attitude." Virgo puts the pile of money onto the table.

"Do they even get paid that much?" Leo gestures to the money.

"Well, like Taurus, my client was rich." Gemini flips her hair.

"Damn rich people..." Scorpio mutters.

"Did you find any useful information?" Sagittarius says, changing the subject.

"Ophuichus is kinda considered a zodiac?" Taurus says weakly.

"What? So we have to change the title to 'The 13 Zodiacs' instead?" Pisces exclaims.

"Huh?" Gemini tilts her head in confusion.

"Huh?" Pisces repeats.

"That's nothing important though, we need to know how to defeat Ophuichus." I point out.

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