Chapter 8

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I'm walking along the hallways, with no one to talk to. People by the hallway lockers take a glance at me.

Now, you might be wondering, why am I walking alone? I mean, sure I have 11 other friends and all, but let's face it- I don't fit in the group very well. I usually just read books or play music. Heck, I have my own room. To get away from them.

But I know we need to work as a team to defeat.....him. We're not as powerful as him, but close enough. That's why he could come here in the mortal world by himself, and we all had to come here. So, I need to be more social.

Lost in my thoughts, I bump into someone. On accident.

"Sorry!" I blurt before I could cause anymore trouble.

"Watch where you're going!..... That hurt," I look up to see who I bumped into.

It's a guy, a few inches taller than me- if I was standing, of course- he has brown hair with sky blue eyes. He's rubbing his chest where I hit him.

"I-I didn't mean to! I was too busy thinking!" I scramble up to my feet.

"I got a boo-boo now. Can you kiss it to make it feel better?"

Is he serious? I look up to his face, but they were filled with pure honesty.

Oh god.

"Um-" before I could answer, a girl with blonde hair and stormy gray eyes marches through.

"What are you doing? What's happening?" she asks.

"Well-" I got cut off again.

"I got a boo-boo, 'cause she bumped into me." he points at me.

"I said sorry! It was on accident, I swear! I wasn't watching where I was going and-" Why do I keep getting cut off?

"Stay away from him!" she screams.

Ooooookaaayyy. I was not expecting that.

I slowly back away, but I bumped into something else. Again.

I immediately get pushed forward again towards The Boo-Boo Guy.

And I hit him again.

And I go backwards.

And I get shoved.

This happened a few times, like I'm a soccer ball.

And then I bump into Guy Who Shoved Me so hard, we both fall down.

I open my mouth to say sorry, but I didn't have to.

He shoved me. Continually.

So I get up, brush the dirt of my jeans, and begin walking forward.

Until I get yanked back.

I flail my arms around, desperate to grab anything (God, that sounds wrong).

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