Chapter 22

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@Rossetalia @science60 @junokami @TuxedoRam @poison-pisces @OFFICIAL_UNOFFICIAL @sailorsdaughter @Deceiving_maiden @PansexualIdiotPride @BreenTeam @phillippih19 @katcat27802 @whycantiwhistle @jarrywattpad @nicole07734 this chapter is dedicated for all the readers who keeps up with my slow updates 🖤 thank you


It was sad seeing everyone split up, but it was for the best.

As Leo, Aries, and Sagittarius leave to Mexico, Virgo, Taurus and I were left alone.

We went back home (me driving).

Instead of the car being silent, we were discussing plans.

Of course we couldn't come up with any new ideas on how to track down Ophuichus.

It frustrates me, all this effort we're putting, and we can't figure out a single damn thing. I wanted to quit.

Sadly we can't, mainly because the world's fate is in our hands.

"Ooh! How instead of finding him, let's bring him over here?" Taurus says.

"Oh yeah, just the three of us... Why didn't you think of that when all of us are here?" I say, exasperated.

"Sometimes things just pop into your head at the wrong times," Taurus shrugs.

"I know some food that can help brainstorm," Virgo adds.

"Thank you, Virgo." I say as I pull up into the garage.

We climb out of the car, our footsteps ricochet across the empty living room.

"It's so empty without them," Taurus states as he plops onto the couch.

"Yeah... but it's better this way." Virgo says.

"Our first priority is to kill Ophuichus." I say bluntly.

"We can't really kill him..." Taurus says.

"You know what I mean." I say.

"I'll.. go make some fruit salad..." Virgo walks out to the kitchen.

"I just thought of something.." Taurus smiles.

"What?" I ask, not really caring.

"There were these herd of girls, asking if I was into zodiacs on the first day of school."

"We have a problem going on, and that's what you're thinking about?!"

"Wait! Wait! Let me finish. They were fangirling really hard, because they were really into zodiacs, y'know?" I hum in agreement.
"Without them... we might not be able to exist."

I freeze at the sudden thought. "That's true..."

"So, we have to save them- and the whole world! 'Cause, without them, we won't be able to be here right now."

Huh. "I like your thinking," I say, feeling inspired.


Hours later...

Other than my new found motivation, there was nothing that was making me research all over the internet for deaths.

The most recent snake related thing I found was a tourist being bitten on a jungle tour in Cancun.

It's sad to say that's our only lead.

The 12 ZodiacsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant