Chapter 26

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A few hours earlier...


I wish I could say the day has been eventful, but there was nothing new. Taurus is currently inhaling most of the pantry, Virgo is cleaning the house out of stress, and I laying on the couch, contemplating human life.

The bell rings through the silent house, so I went to check through the peep hole to see who was disturbing my reverie.

I hesitantly open the door, mainly because I hate socializing with people. I force a smile on my lips and greet her.

"Hello, would you like to take a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus-" I cut her off by slamming the door without saying goodbye.

"Who was that?" Virgo walks in, holding a broom and dustpan.

"Some weird person." I vaguely say. I walk back to the couch, wondering why we exist.

The sound of glass breaking breaks my thoughts (again). A motorcycle was jumping towards me, but I quickly dodge it by an inch.

"The boys are back." The guy on motorcycle smiles at his own joke, then hops off like it was nothing.

"I don't think this is the time to make High School Musical references when someone broke into our-" Taurus walks in, then quickly stops when he sees this badass dude and motorcycle. "Do I... know you?"

"Nah, I don't think so. But I do know you guys."

"...that's kind of creepy."

"Well, I have to know who I'm gonna kill."

There's an awkward pause before I say out loud, "Uh, no shït? Why else would you break through the glass and say that catchphrase?"

Behind me I heard Taurus suck in his breath so I turn around to see him cradling his bloody hand.

"Why'd you pick up the glass with your bare hands?" Virgo exasperates, still holding onto the broom and dustpan.

"It works in K-Dramas!"

"This is real life, not some fairy tale!"

I get cut off of what I was going to say because I feel a fist connect with my face. Ouch.

"We were monologuing!" I exclaim as I rub my throbbing cheek. I take a minute to look at the guy who punched me.

I gasp as I realize it was that dude with black hair and blue eyes (who coincidentally looks like Percy Jackson and has the same first name)!

"This is gonna be an easy fight," Percy cackles while cracking his knuckles.

We're screwed.



"And that's why I never eat watermelon." Gemini states, finally finishing her story.

Just then, I heard my phone ring with a new notification. So did Gemini's and Aquarius'.

My screen shows a text from Sagittarius saying that he's in Mexico and they've found him.

"Get us plane tickets." Aquarius commands.

"Right on it," I reply, already typing into the Google bar.

It showed up different times, with the average 4 hours for how long it's gonna take.

"Ok, I'll get the closest plane tickets around 4:00." I say out loud.

"Just don't get United." Gemini comments.


"Well, I heard on the news-"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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