Chapter 12

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It's now the weekend, and they will do jobs. I will put different pov throughout this chapter to show you how their jobs are. I didn't want to make one POV each chapter 'cause that would be too short.


Taurus, Aries, Libra, Pisces, and Virgo went to work, leaving Leo, Capricorn, Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and I researching.

I was on my computer, checking for any recent deaths in Florida on FNT (Florida News Today) (A/N: I made it up). There was one, but that was because that person scared himself to death. I highly doubt Ophiuchus had anything to do with that.

There was a gasp from the hallway. "What happened?" I call out.

"There's an outbreak of snakes." Aquarius answers. Since I was in my room, I went downstairs, meeting the other six people in the living room. Silence fills the room.

Capricorn gasps. "He knows we're here. I think he's at our school."

"Detective Gemini was right!" Gemini speaks up. "It must be him!"


"What now?" Sagittarius asks.

"We have to warn the others. I don't think we're ready to fight yet." Leo says, glancing at each of us. "Let's pretend we haven't figured it out yet. We can't rush into things."

We all nod.

"I'll go call them." Aquarius offers.

"I'll go get Taurus. He's out front of the house." I add, opening the front door.

There was a handmade stand there, with a sign saying, "Hugs for $10!" On the stand, there was an empty box that was supposed to keep the money, but Taurus was nowhere to be seen.

-=Taurus=- (a couple minutes earlier...)

The suburbs were deserted. There was no sign of people wanting a hug.

I should've done it at a different location. I begin to get up to get some water, until something catches my eye. 

There, walking towards me, was a very flashy woman. She was wearing a sequin covered dress, with glittery high heels, and a neon purse. Her clothes obviously yelled "Rich!", so I change the sign from $10 to $1,000. What? We need the money.

The lady comes up and just plainly asks, "How much for a date?" Up close, you could tell she's a smexy lady.

"Depends on how long. If it was one hour, I'd say... $10,000." I mentally fist pump myself.

Her eyes widen. "Just for one hour? That's pretty expensive, for a date."

"Well, it takes a lot of money to get a date like me."

"Very well then." Out of her Louis Vitton purse, she plops down a wad of $100 bills. "I will pay you this, after the date."

I nod.


"So, what's a rich person like you doing here?" I question, sipping coke inside of the 10 ft limo.

"I came here to visit my sister and her husband. Turns out, they're at work until 2 hours. I decided to do something while I was here, then ask Chef Schindler to prepare them dinner."

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