Chapter 3

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"Have you been working out lately?" Girl #4 gushes at me.

"No, all I've been doing is--" I cut myself off and turn to my left. It was a girl who looks around my age. (A.K.A. 18) She's wearing a green bikini, playing volleyball with some other girls. I walk towards her, unable to stop. It was like a magnet attached to a fridge. The volleyball came my direction out of the corner of my eye, but I was too busy looking at her.

"Look out!" Someone warns. The next thing I know was a pain in my head. I wince.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" The girl asks. She runs towards me with other girls following. My knees buckle and I fell to the sand. The world was spinning, making my head hurt. I see Leo rushing and the rest following behind. They all wear worry and panic on their faces.

"What happened?" Leo asks.

"I'm so sorry for your friend--or boyfriend--he got hit by a volleyball." She explains. I hear snickers and whispers, "Didn't know you guys are a thing." "What's their ship name? Wait. Laurus!"

I turn my head to the girl. "What's your name?" I groan.

"That doesn't matter now. We need someone who knows medical stuff." She replies. I give her a goofy grin and she grins back, flashing her white teeth. Am I Something I never thought I'd feel, I think.

An older guys comes, holding a bag running towards us. He gets some stuff from out of the bag. I have no idea what the heck those things are, but they look complicated so they probably have long names.

My head slowly starts to feel better and the world stops spinning. "WOOO!! I'm better now!" I hop back up on my feet and walk towards our area to get my lunch. I've gone for long enough without food.

"Where are you going?" Aquarius asks.

"To get food!" I answer, pumping my fist.

"We came here for an hour and you're hungry already?" Libra questions. I ignore her and continue walking. I turn around for a few seconds to see what the others are doing. They're following me. I turn back. I feel like a leader.... Until Aries runs ahead of me.

"You're too slow." She makes a funny face and runs to the towel. Well, there goes my pride. Others start doing the same.

"What the crap guys? I'm the leader." I glare at all of them.

"Correction. Leo is the leader." Gemini corrects. I roll my eyes.

"Since when were you leader, Leo?" Virgo argues.

"Ever since we came here!" Leo retorts.

"That's not a good explanation." says Cancer.

"What are we talking about?" Sagittarius asks.

"Forget it." Scorpio mutters.

"I finished my book, so what are we going to do after Taurus eats?" Capricorn asks.

"If Taurus finishes eating. He eats like there's no tomorrow." Aries corrects.

"Hey! I don't eat that much." I argue.

"Why you always lying?" Pisces sings. Face palm.

Nobody says anything after that.

"Awkward silence." Pisces claps.

"Shut up!" The rest of us yell in unison.  She obediently shuts up. We make it to the towel and sat in a circle. Everyone takes their sandwich and drinks and I take the basket that hold 100 sandwiches. With Coca-Cola, of course.

"By the way, Taurus, you can't bring any girls to the house for a date or something." Virgo announces.

"I wasn't gonna." I make a face at her for a split second, then continue eating.

"A lot of girls are attracted to you. What do you have that I don't?" Scorpio asks. What do I have? A big appetite, true. But there's something else? But, I look hot. Hotter than Cancer, Sagittarius, Leo and Scorpio combined.

"I'm hogger fan woo." I answer with a full mouth.

"Translation?" Libra asks.

"'I'm hotter than you' is what he said." Capricorn translates.

"That's not true! The ladies haven't seen these," Scorpio gestures towards his body, "guns yet. Keyword, yet." The girls roll their eyes, and I do too. Not that I'm a girl or anything. I AM A MAN.

"As if you have any compared to these bad babies." Sagittarius flexes. The girls wear blank faces.

"I have more than you two guys combined." Leo gets up and walks to a girl and tells her something. I steal his sandwich while he wasn't looking and shove it in my mouth. The girl blushes and twirls her hair, then she slaps him in the face. He walks back towards us with a red hand on his left cheek. He sits down and we snicker.

"You guys are so arrogant! I'm going to tell her that my idiotic friend is sorry." Aquarius gets up and walks towards the girl. I couldn't hear their conversation, but it seems to go good so far. They wave and Aquarius comes back.  "And that, is how you do it."

"NOOOO!!! I forgot to bring my boxers!" Sagittarius face palms himself.

"Out of all things, you forget your boxers?! How are you that forgetful?" Aries explains.

"I-it's okay. Guys, do you have any extra--"

"No." Leo cuts him off.

"Okay then, guess I'll do it the hard way." Sagittarius gets up and walks to the closest guys. "Excuse me sir, do you have any extra boxers? You see, I forgot to pack some and--" The guy just walks off in anger.

We all look away, trying to tell people he asked that we don't know who the heck that is. Big lie.

"I'm gonna give up. This doesn't seem to go well..." Sagittarius comes back, sighing.

"We figured that out 15 minutes ago, idiot." Pisces says.

"Says the one who says lame stuff." He argues.

"Fight me--" Pisces was cut off by Gemini saying, "BEEP." Gemini gestures towards kids who were looking at us. "What? There's kids here."

"Challenge accepted- Oh wait, this isn't much of a challenge." Sagittarius smirks.

Pisces runs after him, throwing a punch, but Sagittarius blocks and does a roundhouse kick. Pisces rolls on the sand, dodging the kick. She kicks him in the back of the knees, making Sagittarius fall. He turns towards Pisces and does a swift uppercut. Now everyone is watching. The lifeguard comes running, trying to break it up. Sagittarius punches the lifeguard's nose, which is now bleeding all over the sand.

"World War III has begin!" Someone announces.

"STOP!!!! Sagittarius, just go commando, and Pisces, shut up." Leo screams. They stop fighting and just shrug it off. All this drama is making me hungry. I continue eating my sandwiches, oblivious to the rest of the world.

"World War III has just ended..." Someone announces, disappointment in their voice. How are they sad that World War III has just ended? They should be happy like in the I and II. The crowd slowly goes their own ways now that the shows over.

"Well, after that happened I think we should head back home." Capricorn suggests. We all nod in agreement, heading towards the bathroom. Once we were all done (it takes forever with a large group), we head back to the van in silence. Leo starts the engine and we were off. But why are we in silence, I don't know. Either we're thinking of how to defeat him, or we are just replaying what happened. But my mind is thinking about that girl with the green bikini.

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