Chapter 7

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Aries enters History class and sit next to me. We don't talk much, so it was kinda awkward.

"Hey," I greet.

She waves back, even though I'm right next to her. Isn't waving for people who are far away from that person they're meeting?

Anyways, I try to create small talk, which I am horrible at.

"So, uh, how are you feeling? Y'know, after the fight." I ask.

"I mean, people are talking to me, which is a start. But she's lucky she ended up alive. Very lucky." She replies.

I just shrug it off. It's normal. But having to murder a principal would send her to jail, which would cause our plan to be postponed.

A few moments later, a man teacher walks on in. He's wearing a white buttoned up shirt and tie, paired with some gray pants.

"Hello class, and welcome to History. I am Mr. Swath, for you guys that are new in this class. I heard there were 13 new people, yes? Very well then." The teacher flashes a smile.

Hold up. 13?! Aries doesn't seem to notice, considering her zoned out face, which was staring at the white painted wall.

I wanted to ask who was the other person, but I didn't want to interrupt by asking a stupid question. There could be another person coming to this school, coincidentally.

Just so happens this other kid comes to this same school, at the same year, month, week, day, hour, second, millisecond...

Ah, snap out of it! Stay focused. But, on the other hand, this shizzle seems worthless. I mean, I already seen history as a constellation, out in the celestial world.

Oh, the celestial world. I have a feeling of home sickness- but I have to complete this dang thing.

God dang it, I was this close to making a move on Cygnus, the swan. And it just so happens that Ophiuchus decided to destroy Earth.

C'mon, Ophiuchus, at least do it for after I make a move on her!

I've realized I zoned out when the bells rings for next period.

I grab my stuff and get up, and getting pushed by the people trying to escape this jail.

I glance at the schedule. I have gym next.


It didn't take me long finding the gym. I go into the locker room. I'm suddenly hit with smell of Axe and sweat.

Should've brought a gas mask.

I fumble with my locker and finally open it. I quickly change out and head towards the gym.

The rest of this period is huddled up in the center of the gym, waiting for everyone. Every single person was wearing our school colors- green and black.

Then Taurus walks in.


I mentally facepalm myself.

He is so stupid.

The girls swoon over his 6-pack.

The guys jaws drop.

I storm up to him, past the giggling girls.

"What the crap are you doing?"

He just shrugs. "My t-shirt didn't fit."

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