Chapter 17

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The doctors had informed me that I had to get some tests done, to see if any diseases had been transmitted due to my open wounds. With my father, anything was possible.

The police had long since been to take my statement. Caroline hadn't left my side, still on my hospital bed with me, her arms wrapped around me as my head leans against hers. I press my lips ever so gently on her lips. She smiles into the kiss and deepens it almost straight away.

Her hands find their way to my curves as she takes control of the kiss, her tongue exploring every crevice of my mouth.

This kiss seemed to have been the type of kiss that was deep and slow, one that could last all night if it pleases us to, but the nurse came walking in, making us pull away, Caroline was told visiting hours were over and she had to leave, which she didn't want to do but did anyway.

"I'll be back tomorrow. I love you." She whispers softly into my ear before kissing my cheek and heading out of my hospital room door.

The nurse came over to me to check my vitals. She had a smile on her face as she did.

"Your girlfriend is very smitten over you." She says. I blush and smile.

"I'm aware, she's one of a kind." The nurse nods.

"So are you, having gone through what you've been through and still being able to believe in love and trust." I smile and take her comment as a compliment.

"Life sucks. But it's not meant to be easy. I know she would never hurt me, not at all. I trust her, believe me, there are things I don't even trust my brother with, but I trust her. She's the one." I say in all truthfulness.

The nurse smiles and gushes slightly before exiting the room. I let my eyes close as I start to drift into sleep again. Though every time I closed my eyes and let myself relax, I would jolt awake, feeling as though my body was still in fight or flight mode.

The next day the doctor came back in with all of my results. Afterward I fell asleep, finding comfort in sleeping while people were out in the halls and having the light shine through the room.

I told my doctor I didn't sleep and he said it was quite normal behaviour for someone who had gone through what I had gone through.

I woke up to someone shaking me. Opening my eyes I see Caroline. I smile and wrap my arms around her instantly pulling her into a hug, which she gladly gave back.

"I missed you in class today." Caroline says with a pout. I smile before kissing her pout.

"I missed you too." She playfully scoffs.

"How would you have time to miss me when you've been asleep most of the day." I chuckle.

"I missed you for the parts of the day I was awake." I say rolling my eyes. She laughs and lays on my hospital bed with me again. I instantly find my place in her arms and rest easy knowing she's got me, to protect me.

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