Chapter 22

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"Well that's not what I expected." Pete says. I chuckle slightly at his reaction.

"Pick your jaw up off the floor Pete." I tease. He blushes and turns to me.

"You're happy?" He asks. I smile and nod my head.

"Yes. I am." Pete smiles.

"Then I'm happy for you." I smile and hug him.

"So how did the interview go?" Caroline asks.

"I got the job." I smile. She grins and kisses my lips softly.

"They said I can do afternoons and weekends for now and I can start full time after the HSC exams." I watch the pride shining through Caroline's eyes as she smiles at me.

"Alright guys. Dinner is ready." We all walk to the table and have dinner. I always love when Caroline cooks for me.

I also feel a bit slack. She does most of the cooking around her. I lean over and peck her lips softly.

"Thank you for dinner." I say softly. She smiles and gives a small nod.

We are half way through a movie when my phone rings. I answer it after excusing myself.

"Hello?" I call down the phone.

"Hey this is detective Morez, I've been assigned to your case regarding both of your parents." I gulp as he continues.

"So far we have located your father who is being brought in today. However, your mother's whereabouts is still unknown." I sigh a shaken breath.

"Am I going to be called in fora statement?" I ask

"No, the one you gave at the previous court case as well as the one gotten from you at the hospital is enough." I sigh in relief.

"Okay. Well what do we Donnie?" I ask.

"Hang tight until you hear from me again with dates for court."

"Okay. Thank you." I say softly. Caroline walks over just after I had hung up. She wraps her arms around my waist. Pulling me into her, my back against her chest.

"Who was that?" She asks.

"The detective. I feel like we are back to square one. They have my dad but not my mum." She sighs.

"Hun try not to think about that. Do you want me to ask Pete to leave? We can just have a bath and head to bed?" I turn slightly to look at her and give a soft smile.

I don't know how I got so lucky. She leans down slightly and kisses my lips. I smile into the kiss.

"I think your idea is great. I can't really entertain guests while my thoughts are on this. When you go back out there can you call Jesse in so I can tell him?" She nods and kisses my forehead before walking out.

Soon Jesse walks in. He sees I'm in my own world concentrating on thought so he sighs. Knowing I must have got new information.

"What is it?" He asks.

"They have dad. But mum is on the run still." Jesse sighs.

"How does she keep getting away?" He asks exasperated.

"It's mum. She knows just about every drug dealer in this area and the ones surrounding." I point out. He nods and just walks closer to me, hugging me.

"I'm gonna go to bed. I'll talk tomorrow." I watch as he walks to his room. This is usually how he reacts to bad news. Locks himself in his room for the rest of the day/night and I won't see him until tomorrow.

Pete walks in and says his goodbyes. Giving me a hug and walking out. Caroline looks at me, arms crossed lazily over her chest as she leans against the door frame. A small smile on her lips.

"Come on. We can go get ready for bed. Just think, you start your new job tomorrow after school." I smile and nod. That's one thing I had forgotten about.

"I love you Caroline." I say as I walk to her and press my lips softly against hers.

"I love you too" I smile at her words and lead her to our rooms ensuite. I start the bath, pouring in bubbles and getting it to the right temperature and level.

Once it's ready I turn to Caroline and take hold of the buttons on her blue blouse. She watches me with a small amused smile. Finding entertainment in this.

I slowly unbutton her too. She tries to unclog her bra once her too is off but I smack her hand away and undo it myself. Next I unbutton her dress pants, pulling them all the way down to her ankles where she steps pour of them. I run my hands along the hem of her knickers, looping  my fingers around the edges and pulling them down. She takes her socks off and watches me with hungry eyes as I start to undress myself. I grab her hand and lead her into the bath. She sits in front of me with her back facing me. I make her lean her back on my chest.

"What are you playing at?" She asks with lust laced through her words.

I smirk and start to kiss her neck gently trailing kisses. Once I get to her colar bone I nibble and suck. Leaving her a hickey. I move one hand up from her torso, gripping and playing with her breasts while I trail the other down to her core, rubbing her and teasing her for now. She gasps at the feeling of my hands and leans her head back me.

"What, are y-you doing?" She asks as she gasps when I enter my fingers into her.

"Just relax and let me do this." She bites her lip but lets me continue on. It's not long until I have her climaxing as I pump her core with my fingers while rubbing and pinch her nipples.

Once we are out of the bath we get changed into pyjamas and crawl into bed together. She smiles as she looks at me, her arms wrapped around me and mine around her as we face each other.

"Goodnight beautiful." She says softly. I smile and kiss her softly.

"Goodnight." I say back. I snuggle closer and lean my head against her chest, out legs tangles under the sheets and our bodies with vertically every part of us touching. I smile to myself. This is what I want for the rest of my life.

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