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     Its been a few days since our date, and it's Monday now. Winter break is over and I already hate it. Me and Grayson hung out everyday since the date, but we haven't kissed at all. Which I think is kind of weird.

He told me he would drive me to school today, so I was waiting at the door for him. When he got there I went outside and got in the car.

"Good morning" he said smiling as he started driving.

"Not really, but hi."

"what's wrong?"

"Nothing I just don't like Mondays, or school at all" I said shrugging. He nodded, agreeing with me.

As soon as we got to school we went inside and I went to his locker with him. I watched as he put all his stuff into it.

A girl walked up to us with a sour look on her face. I looked at her and smiled. She just rolled her eyes and hugged Grayson. What the hell?

"Wanna come over tonight?" She asked him batting her eyelashes. So he was cheating on a girl with me? Or he was cheating on me with another girl? Well we aren't technically dating but still.

He pushed her off. "Brittany stop, I told you we're done. A long time ago" he said annoyed.

"Whatever Grayson." She said walking off. When she walked past me she pushed my books out of my hands. I turned and gave her a dirty look.

"What? Is there a problem?" She asked in her annoying voice.

"Yeah, you just tried to hook up with Grayson, and you pushed my books out of my hands. Clearly there's a problem."

She stepped closer to me. Very close. Too close for my comfort. I sighed, pushing her away from me and she pushed me back and slapped me right in the face.

Oh hell no. I was not letting that happen. I punched her in the jaw and her face turned red with anger.

If I've learned anything from my dad, it's how to fight. When him and mom got along he was an amazing dad. He taught me to fight so i could defend myself, and I'm grateful for that.

She punched me, but it was lame. It would probably make me get a bloody nose, but nothing more.

Before I could get another punch in, Grayson had his arms around me and pulled me back. I was very mad and annoyed at this point, so I tried pushing him off but he was just too strong.

"Grayson" I yelled getting really annoyed with him. He pulled me outside so we were alone.
After I stopped trying to push him he loosened his grip. I looked at him and crossed my arms.

"Holy shit, you're crazy" he said laughing and I rolled my eyes at him.

"I never thought I would see you fight like that. You seem like the total opposite" he said still amazed by something so stupid.

"Well you're an idiot. There's a lot you don't know about me."

He smiled "I'm just glad you didn't get hurt too bad."

I nodded, agreeing with him. I reached my hand up and felt the blood dripping from my nose.

I knew was going to get in trouble though for fighting. Hopefully after they watch the security tapes they'll know it was just self defense, even though I really enjoyed kicking her ass.

"Just remember don't mess with me" I said winking at him and walking back into school.

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