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         I hand Grayson the last suitcase and he throws it in the trunk of the car.

"So strong." I say laughing.

He smiles and flexes his arm. "I am aren't I?"

I shake my head. "No I was just kidding."

His face turns into a smirk as he leans down, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Gray!" I say, giggling as he runs inside.

Ethan was on the couch and he gave us a weird look as Grayson threw me on the couch.

"How's that for not strong?" He asked smiling.

I laugh. "You're a dork."

"Okay enough flirting I'm ready to leave." Ethan interrupts us.

I roll my eyes as I push myself off of the couch. "Okay mr. party pooper."

"Hey, Take that back."

"Never." I say crossing my arms.

He scowled at me and just smiled, starting to get my stuff together.

I grab my phone, a blanket and my sunglasses and I walk outside.

Ethan and Grayson soon followed and we all got in the car. We picked up Hannah, then we hit the road.

About 20 minutes in the car ride I started to fall asleep already. I tried to stay awake but I was just so bored, and tired.

"Go to sleep babe." Grayson says, turning the radio down slightly.

I pull the blanket over me and close my eyes. I really did need sleep.

We made a couple of stops on the way to San Francisco for the bathroom and food, and I was so tired of stopping and being woken up.

I got only about an hour of sleep the whole way there. I looked out the window for the rest of the ride, then we finally made it there.

"Finally." I say, opening the car door.

We had just got to our hotel and I was happy to not be driving anymore.

We checked into our hotel and went to our room. We decided to save money and share a room with all of us because we could just split the two beds between the four of us.

I just wanted to sleep, seems like that's all I ever want to do anymore. I laid on the bed and pulled the covers over me.

"I'm hungry." Ethan complained.

"Then get food." Grayson told him, sounding annoyed.

"Don't be rude."

"I'm not being rude, you're just annoying."

"Shut the-"

"Enough!" I cut Ethan off.

"I'm trying to sleep and you guys need to shut the fuck up. Please." I say, very annoyed.
They both looked down and Hannah just sat there awkwardly.

"Let's just all go to sleep and tomorrow we will be better. Okay?" Hannah suggested. We all nod in agreement.

Grayson laid next to me in bed but he didn't wrap his arms around me like usual, and I felt bad. Ethan turned the light out and the room went pitch black.

I sighed and turned to face Grayson. I felt around to try and find him until I found his hand. I interlocked our fingers and I felt him squeeze my hand back. I smiled, closing my eyes and falling asleep almost right away.


The next morning I woke up and everyone was getting ready. I rub my eyes and sit up.

"Good morning sunshine." Hannah says, laughing a little.

I smiled and looked at Grayson as he walked out of the bathroom. "Get ready, we're going out for food." He told me, setting my suitcase on the bed.

I looked at the clock and it was 1 p.m. Well so much for doing very much today.

I got dressed in jean shorts and a t-shirt and put a little bit of makeup on. I brushed my hair out and then slipped my shoes on.

Everyone was ready so we left. We went to a small restaurant that was pretty close to the hotel.

A short blonde girl was standing at the front and she greeted us with a smile.

"How many?" She asks, pulling out a couple menus.

"Four." Grayson answered.

She nodded. "Follow me."

We all followed her and she sat us at a booth. Grayson pulled me close to him and we all looked at our menus.

We all were distracted by the menus we didn't even realize the waitress had come over. "Can I get y'all started with drinks?" She asks us.

I froze. I knew that voice way too well, and it's been way too long since I heard it.

I looked up and our eyes met. Her eyes widened at the sight of me.

I couldn't even speak, but when I finally did, my voice came out shaky... "Mom?"
                                  The end.

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