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"Seniors baby!" Ethan yelled, his head sticking out the window of the car. I giggle, shaking my head at him.

Grayson reached over and pushed the button to roll the window up. "Grayy" Ethan whined pulling his head back in the car. "You ruined my fun."

"No, I just stopped you from being annoying."

I smiled, listening to them bicker with eachother. A couple months had passed, and today was the last day of school. I was beyond relieved, but I was definitely scared for senior year.

I've been a lot happier lately. I know it's because of Grayson. I hate that my happiness depends on a guy, but at least I'm happy. Right?

Grayson stopped the car in front of Hannah's house and Ethan opened the door, getting out.

"Have fun." Grayson winked at Ethan.

"But not too much fun." I added.

Ethan shook his head, blushing a little before he shut the door and jogged up to Hannah's door.

I smiled and looked at Grayson, admiring everything about him. His perfect jawline, his lips, his eyes, and basically everything about him. I loved him so much, and for so much more then just his looks.

My thoughts were interrupted by Grayson opening his door. I unbuckled my seatbelt and pushed my door open, following Grayson inside and up to his room.

There's wasn't much to do because the day was almost over so we decided to hang out in his room.

I was laying on my back and he was laying on his side facing me, tracing patterns on the little bit of skin that was showing between my shirt and shorts. I closed my eyes, enjoying it. But only to open them because he stopped.

His eyes looked sad. "Gray, What's wrong?"

"What if we start fighting like both of our parents do?" He asks, clearly embarrassed about his question. I don't know why he was embarrassed though.

I thought about what he said. I had never thought about that and I didn't think I would ever need to worry about it because I never thought anyone would fall in love with me.

I placed my hand on his cheek. "Let's not worry about that now."

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine, kissing me so passionately. Don't get me wrong, the rest of his kisses were passionate too but this one had more to it. I'm not complaining though.

I pulled away after a couple seconds and stared into his eyes. They still looked sad, which made me sad.

He opens his mouth, about to say something but closing it again. What was going on in this boys mind?

Grayson's POV

"I love you." I tell Ella.

I knew we had never said this to each other before, and I wasn't even sure if she has told anyone that she loved them before.

I knew I had fallen in love with her, and I wanted her to know that. Even if she couldn't say it back. She needs to know she is loved.

I couldn't tell what she felt when those words left my mouth.  She sat there, shocked.

I came to realize she probably wasn't going to say it back, and I was okay with that. I pulled her closer to me, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight." I say, kissing her head.

"I love you too." She whispered.

I felt my heart skip a beat in my chest from those words.

Sure, girls have told me they loved me before. But Ella is so much different, and I know she means it. She has been broken down by so many people and I she finally gets what she deserves. Someone who loves her, me.

She is so perfect even with all of her imperfections. I fell in love with her and all of those imperfections.

I smiled to myself, knowing she was mine and nobody would ever change that...and if they tried to, they would have to fight very hard to do it.

Ella's POV

I let a couple tears fall down my face as Grayson fell asleep. Tears of joy and sadness.

Joy because I knew he meant the words he said, and I did too. Sadness because Adam cant be here to listen to me tell him all of this. He would be so happy for me. I was happy for myself.

As I started to drift off to sleep I heard a door slam. My eyes shot open. Grayson didn't seem to be affected by it so I slowly took his arms from around me, getting up to go see what was happening.

When I walked out, Ethan was sitting on the floor with his face in his hands.

"E, what's wrong?" I ask, rushing over to him.

"I'm a no good fuck boy."

What the hell?

"Where did you get that?" I ask, clearly confused.

"Hannah's dad."

I sighed. Hannah's dad was very overprotective, and he was probably trying to scare Ethan off because he doesn't want his daughter dating anyone.

"E, you are one of the sweetest guys I know and that isn't true." I say, sitting next to him.

"Thanks. But I like Hannah so much and her dad won't let me take her out."

"I'll talk to him for you." Me and Hannah's dad were pretty close, since you know, mine doesn't care for me so much.

Ethan's eyes lit up. "You're the best."

I smiled, patting his shoulder. "Now go to sleep, you're gonna need it for your date tomorrow."

He smiled at me and stood up, holding his hand out to help me up. I took it and he pulled me up. I smiled at him before going back to Grayson's room.

"Where did you go?" Grayson asks tiredly.

"Just the bathroom." I didn't really want to explain everything with Ethan so I decided to just tell him tomorrow.

"I missed you."

I laughed and shook my head, cuddling into his arms. "I missed you too, Gray."

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