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           I had to much fun at gulf shores, but it was time to go home sadly. We were packing our stuff up and I sighed loudly.

Grayson laughed. "You good?"

"I don't wanna go home." i pouted.

"I know, same."

"I say we stay here forever." He laughed. "I wish we could."

I really didn't want to go home or back to school. I mean I was staying with Grayson for now, but I couldn't hide from home forever.

We finished packing, and walked out of the hotel room, both of us dreading it.

Grayson blew a kiss at the hotel room as he walked out. "I'll miss you." he says as I shut the door, laughing.

We went to the lobby and Hannah and Ethan were waiting for us, both of them laughing hysterically about something that i didn't really care to know. Probably something Ethan did.

"I guess it's time to leave." I said sadly as we walked over to the two. Everyone sighed, probably annoyed that i brought it up. We all walked out of the hotel dragging our bags behind us.
We were only an hour into the drive home and I was miserable. Ethan and Grayson were talking nonstop about things that nobody cares about. I'm not trying to be mean and I love these boys but hearing them talk about things like the color purple we could seriously do without.

"Grayson." I say, cutting him off before he could start another conversation.

"Yes babe?"

"Please shut up."

He looked a little hurt at first but then he realized he was probably being annoying. "Sorry" he laughed, reaching his hand over and resting it on top of mine. I smiled, closing my eyes and enjoying the silence.

Hours went by and we were finally back home. We had one more day and then we had to go back to school, so we decided to just hang out tonight and probably do something more exciting the next day. After we dropped Hannah off at her hosue I told Grayson I needed to go home.

"I don't know Ella."

I understood why he was worried. I would feel the same way if our spots were switched. I knew i had to go though, and i reassured him that I will be okay.

"Gray it's okay. If anything goes wrong I will call you I promise."

He didn't respond for a while, but he finally agreed to take me home. I knew he wasn't very happy about it though.

As he walked me to the door, he took my hands in his.

"Call me before you go to sleep."

"Okay i will, thank you."

"No need to thank me." He smiled, kissing my head and releasing my hands, walking back to his car.

I took a deep breathe before opening my door. I didn't know what to expect. It was quiet, and all I saw was my dad in the kitchen. I walked in and he turned my way when he heard me.

"Oh..hi." He said turning back around.

"Where's mom?" I asked looking around for her.

"She left."

"Like to the store?"

"No. For good."

I think I could hear my heart shatter. My mom left? She was the only one I had besides Matt, and obviously Grayson. But her and Matt were the only decent family members and we all needed each other. Why would she leave?

I went up to my room not saying anything else to him. He is the one who drove her away. I sat on my bed, staring at the wall. I didn't know what to think or do.

I stayed sitting for a long time, just being consumed in my thoughts. I forgot to call Grayson, but I didn't care at the moment. I heard my phone going off, probably Grayson but I ignored it. I just sat there, thinking. Why do people always end up leaving me? Am I really that bad?

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