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We sat there in silence for a while. It's just what I needed...silence and cuddles from him. It made me feel so much better.

Hours passed and his whole family was home from the things they had been doing all day.

I still had no appetite, I hadn't for a couple days but I forced myself to eat. The sadness just drained me and made me not want to do anything at all.

I decided to eat tonight because I didn't want Grayson to worry. He told his parents that my parents were going on business trips, and asked if I could stay with them. They happily agreed, but I felt guilty for Grayson lying to them.

"I'm gonna take a shower" I told him as we went to his room. He nodded, taking his shirt off to change into more comfortable clothes to sleep in.

Let me tell you this boy has a very nice body. (We all knew that anyway)

He looked at me, laughing. "Quit drooling and go shower."

I broke my stare on him and I felt my face heat up. I didn't realize I was staring so hard. I left his room, slightly embarrassed. I went to the bathroom turning the shower on and undressing myself.

I stared at myself in the mirror. I hate my body so much. Why can't I have a great body like Grayson?

I looked away from the mirror and wiped my eyes from the tears that had snuck out. I need to stop doing this to myself.

Before I stepped in the shower, I stopped myself, realizing I forgot underwear.

I quickly wrapped a towel around myself and went back to Grayson's room. His eyes were glued to the tv, but as soon as I walked in he looked at me, eyes going wide.

I was still covered, but he still had never seen this much skin on me, and I guess that's why he was surprised.

"I um..forgot my underwear." I said feeling embarrassed. He chuckled at me, reaching for my bag before I could get to it.

He pulled out a couple things tossing them to the side, before pulling out a pair of maroon lace underwear. He smirked before tossing them to me.

I blushed, mumbling a thank you before hurrying back to the bathroom.

After I showered I went to Grayson's room, finding him passed out. I smiled to myself and turned the light off, slipping into bed next to him. I pulled a blanket over us and closed my eyes hoping to get some sleep.


         I woke up at 7 a.m. It was really weird because I usually sleep in but I just got up anyway. I went downstairs, finding Ethan sitting and staring at the wall. Weird.

I walked in he tore his gaze from the wall, averting it to me.

"Oh..I didn't know you were awake." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah I just woke up, are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think so."

I didn't believe him but I decided not to push him to tell me what was wrong.

"Okay, do you want me to make you some food? I make some pretty good pancakes."

He smiled and nodded. "I do love food."

I laughed, walking in the kitchen. I pulled out all the ingredients and got started on them.

I made a lot, mostly because I knew the boys would eat most of them.

He thanked me as I set a plate in front of him. I nodded, sitting next to him and looking down at my hands.

"Are you okay?" He asked remembering the question I asked him earlier.

I wasn't sure what to say so I just nodded and gave him a small smile. "Ethan, you and Grayson have made my life so much better than it was. It's not the best yet, but it's better than nothing. So I am okay right now."

"I'm glad you feel that way. You have made out lives better too." He says, shoving pancakes into his mouth.

Soon enough everyone came downstairs and they were very excited that I made food.

Grayson was standing behind me with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. Ethan was eating more pancakes. Cameron was on her phone, most likely texting Matt. Their mom and dad were both laughing with each other.
They were so in love and it made me happy.

I was content with this moment. Even though my life wasn't the best and at home things were awful, I know that I have Grayson and his whole family to keep me going. Hopefully it's enough to keep me going until everything gets better, if it even does.

I looked at Grayson and smiled. He smiled right back at me, probably happy that I was actually smiling. He leaned in and pecked my lips and my smile grew bigger. I could get used to this.

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