Beastly Blackness

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 "Huh..." Link stepped back from two giant marble gates leading into Faron Woods, "This is new..." The gates were bolted tight and creaked with a heavy burden as if they tried desperately to hold something back.

"How do we find Faron now?" You asked.

Link turned back in the direction of the forest temple, "I guess we'll just ask the old lady. Maybe she knows how we can get around it..."

Jogging to catch up, you skipped down the moss covered, worn steps of the temple. As you opened the doors, expecting a warm welcome, you were greeted with something most unpleasant. The earth shook violently beneath you, much more than the previous times, knocking away loose stones from the temple ceiling, and you knew what was happening.

Groose charged over to you, covering his head as rubble fell, "Bad news! That beast looks like it's about to break free again!"

Link started running towards the pit with you and Groose beside him, "Well then, let's teach him another lesson, shall we?!" He drew his sword and braced his shield as he looked down upon the emerging behemoth, who decidedly grew a tail.

Tightening his gloves, Groose grinned, "Hang tight! Try not to get in the way of my shots, OK!" He placed one giant bomb into his catapult.

Link's warrior instincts kicked in like lightening and he flung himself into the pit and charged the beast's toes again. You were about to draw your sword, and join in Link's fight, but something sparked your imagination. It'd be much quicker to defeat this beast if you could just drive that spike back into it's head without the complication of getting squished. Running along the side of the cliff, you tried to get right above the imprisoned. Link and Groose had felled it once already as it writhed back to its feet. Perfect! You thought as you prepared to jump down on its head.

To your surprise and utter horror, a flaming black and red ring formed behind its neck and the imprisoned slowly began to rise. You could hear Groose's surprise in the form of a curse, "When did it learn how to fly?!" He began to bombard it with numerous explosions.

The imprisoned bellowed with anger and increased his speed. You could see Link trying desperately to keep up with it, taking the gusts of wind up behind it. Taking your last chance, you sucked in a deep breath and jumped down from the ledge and landed on its scaly head. Furious, the beast thrashed his head back, trying to throw you off, but you managed to grab hold of the sealing spike. The smooth scales made it difficult to stand as ball of fire exploded around you, and the marble spike started to slowly slip out of your grasp. Pulling yourself back up, you pounded down on the spike with all your strength multiple times, driving it into its thick skull.

In pain, the imprisoned threw its head back and the ring disappeared behind its neck. In the chaos you lost your grip on the spike and slowly tumbled down its back and down towards the center of the pit with the beast falling above you. Landing hard on your side, you heard a sharp *crack* beneath your chest and felt the jagged edge dig through your flesh. There was no time to scream in pain, but in terror as you saw the mass of scales plummeting on top of you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you prepared yourself for impact.

The earth vibrated and crumbled around you as it landed, covering you in dust and debris. All the light vanished and you could feel its hard scales scraping your sides, but no bone crushing force...? Coughing as you inhaled dirt, you opened your eyes in the dark to see the blank features of Fi. She had thrown herself between you and the brute, and held him away from you, "Do not worry, Mistress ___. You are safe." Her flowing cape protected you from the weight.

Still in shock you almost forgot the pain, even when the imprisoned rolled off you and started to rise with another roar. "Tha...Thank..." You tried to thank her, but she had already disappeared into the air. Among the chaos, Link cried out your name, Groose swore at the top of his lungs about not having anymore bombs, and your heart pounded in your head. The shadow of the imprisoned blanketed you, moving ever closer to the forest temple. A gust of wind flowed freely from a geyser beside you, shooting far above the tree tops.

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