Chapter 9: Hanji's Investigation Continues!

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~from Hanji's POV~
From that day onward, I waited until I was sure that (y/n) left the apartment before leaving myself, and I told (y/n) that if she was staying home because she was sick or scared or whatever, she had to text me.
That's how I knew to wait in my apartment two weeks later instead of going to school.
Like before, I followed (y/n) back to the same place that she'd gone into last time, only this time, I'd come prepared in case I had to battle the same secretary as before.
This time, I was wearing a disguise!
Confident that (y/n) wouldn't recognize me, I confidently strolled into the lobby. Once again, (y/n) was already gone.
The same receptionist was there.
Perfect! Our rematch begins now!
"Excuse me," I said, changing my voice slightly. "I'd like to make an appointment. I was hoping I could see one of to get looked at."
The secretary smiled at me. "All right. You're lucky! We have an opening in half an hour. Can you wait that long?"
"Sure thing! I mean, yeah, no problem," I responded, nearly losing my disguise.
She looked a little suspicious but turned back to her computer. "All right. While you're here, I'm going to give you a sheet to fill out all your personal information, okay? Are you here with anyone?"
I shook my head, not trusting myself to talk again.
"That's fine. For any treatment options, though, a guardian's signature is required for anyone under the age of 18." She handed me a clipboard, a form, and a pen. "There's a waiting area over there. Feel free to have a seat."
With a final smile, I went over to the waiting area and sat down, looking at the form.
What kind of questions are these?
The entire form was full of questions about my family history and my sexual activity.
Shrugging, I filled out the form and waiting for my appointment. A little while later, the secretary gestured for me to go with the nurse and be weighed and have my height measured. Then I was escorted in a room to wait for a doctor.
He came in a few minutes later and smiled, shaking my hand.
"Hello, Ms. Hardwood," he said, and I fought to keep from laughing at the fake name I'd written on the form. "I understand that you came for a check-up?"
I nodded, and he sat down.
"What exactly do you think that you have?" he asked, glancing at me curiously. "Just to help narrow it down."
Huh? But I don't know what type of doctor this is even! "Um...I was hoping you could tell me," I responded, fumbling to find some answers.
He frowned down at the clipboard. "Well, according to your form, your last sexual partner was a week ago? Could you bring in his medical record for our next appointment?"
I was kidding on the form!! "Um, why?" I asked, looking at him in confusion.
He mirrored the same expression right back at me. "Because he's where we should start looking."
"Looking for what?" I asked, leaning a little closer in my curiosity.
The doctor tilted his head. "An STD."
I blushed and leaned back. "Oh, gosh. No, I don't have one of those."
The doctor frowned at me, still looking confused. "Then pardon my rudeness, but why are you here?"
"Hmm?" I asked, looking up from where I'd been picking at the stuffing in the chair. "What do you mean?"
The doctor sat back in his chair. "Ms. Hardwood, this is a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic. If you don't have an STD or suspect that you might have one, I'm not sure that I understand why you made an appointment."
"An STD Clinic? But, that's impossible," I said immediately. Why did (y/n) come here? Was she really lost? But she managed to come to the same building twice...
"I can't say that I understand why you're here, but this visit is over," the doctor said, not unkindly, as he stood up and walked out of the room.
Shocked and alone, I leaned back against the wall. Is (y/n) really here for an appointment?
After a minute, I walked out of the room and left the building, not even bothering to wave to the secretary. A few seconds later, I heard a familiar voice, though, and I immediately turned around, ducking in a store's entrance and watching.
There was (y/n), coming out of the very building I'd just been in, only she wasn't alone. Next to her was a tall guy I'd never seen before, and he was smiling down at her. They stopped walking, and he said something to her, holding up her cell phone with his eyebrows raised. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue before hugging him, waving, and walking away.
What was going on?
And who was that guy?  

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