Bloody Cherrie

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Melanie POV

I hopped in my customized lavender Range Rover, I was so ready to meet this bitch Cherrie she wants my attention and now she has it , one thing you should never do is fuck with another persons money. I didn't realize I was pulling up to trap I was so wrapped up in my thoughts. Thank God the cops didn't pull me over I had to been doing at least 80 in a 60 mile zone. I hopped out the car and locked my car up. I knocked at the back door.

??: Who is it ?
Me: Bun open up the mf door nigga. NOW

Bun quickly opened up. I walked inside and gave him a slight death glare.

Me: Bun you of all mfs know how I knock on the mf door , we have a mf peephole on the door next time look there nigga
Bun: Yes Boss I'm sorry it won't happen again.

I took a deep breath and calmed down

Me: Look Bun I'm sorry for yelling at you but you know what happened before I just wanna ensure no shit like that happen again.
Bun: It's cool boss I understand.
Me: Is the bitch in the back?
Bun: Yea , Bahja had some niggas strap both of them down earlier they been locked there ever since.
Me: Okay , Bahja back there?
Bun: Yea she parked in the front tho, that's why you didn't see her car.
Me: Ight lock this bitch up & don't let anyone else in unless they workers.
Bun: Ight I hear you

I went in the back in my office and grabbed my 9mm loaded it up & put the silencer on it. I closed my office door and went to the black room, that's what we call it cause it's always dark and it's where we do all the dirty work. I approached the door and turned the knob and went in.

Me: So you bitches have stealing money, oh honey, that's a stupid ass thing to do.


I let two shots go, one went in NeNes arm and the other in Cherrie hand. They both screamed in pain.

Me: Oh no bitches don't scream , no ones coming to save your sorry asses.

Cherrie started laughing and cracked a smile

Cherrie: Oh so your Melanie , I see what all the fuss is about, no wonder Trav married ya.

I walked up to her and pistol whipped her , she really reaching a side ion want her to be on.

Me: Yes bitch I'm Melanie & your invalid, just how do you know MY husband, bitch.
Cherrie: Oh we know each other very well *Smirks*

I cocked my gun back and put it to the her temple and looked dead in her face.

Me: Bahja what family does this bitch have ?

Bahja looked at Cherrie file. Yes we look mfs up when we tame them so we know what we're up against.

Bahja: A Aunt in Maryland, Mom in Denver oh and a son here in LA , by the name of  TJ.

I looked back into Cherrie eyes , I could tell this bitch was scared shitless but she tried to put on a front for NeNe.

Me: NeNe How do you know this bitch?
NeNe: *crying* S.-She's my c-c-cousin.
Me: TJ huh? You got yourself a jr huh?
Cherrie: As a matter of fact I do, a Travis Jr. In case you were wondering.

I pressed the gun closer against her head so hard she could feel it in her skull.

Me: Listen here bitch, I don't know what you heard about me but you obviously haven't heard the right things, if you want your fucking son to continue to grow up with a mother, I suggest you watch your mother fucking mouth you dick sucking ass bitch. You really pushing me to my limit and I usually don't get this way but for you , I just might have to, I'm not a bitch that's all talk but since you don't know any better imma lay this all out for you plain and simple, DON'T Fuck With Me, I'll end your life in the blink of an eye & make your families life a living hell. If you didn't have a fucking baby id shoot your ass right now &  have it cleaned up like I ain't did shit. I'll give both you bitches another chance but I think you should stay in here for a few more hours.


I shot NeNe in the other arm and I shot Cherrie in her other hand and in the leg.

Me: I'll see you in the morning bloody Cherrie, enjoy your night bitches, come on Bahja , I have to tell you something.

We left out the black room ignoring their screams and we walked into my office and locked the door.

Me: You have the change of clothes, like usual right?
Bahja: I ain't no rookie , under your desk.
Me: Gracias Mami, but I think I should go to the doctor, I might be expecting.

Bahja's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
Bahja: Hurrryyyy up lets go now , I'm gonna be a auntie omgggg .
Me: Hold your horses bitch I said might.
Bahja: Bitch whatever, give me the clothes so I can have some one take it to the dry cleaners. Imma trail you, hurry up call me when you in the car. We going to the doctor.
Me: Okay bitch damn so bossy.

Bahja left out and I finished getting dressed and I put my gun back in the safe and locked up behind me , I said goodnight to everyone and gave Bun some dap, he was definitely like a brother.

Bun: When we gone meet this husband of yours?
Me: Ehhh idk if you will, he doesn't know about this part of me.
Bun: Secrets only get you so far, remember that, now get out of here and get some rest.
Me: I'm on my way to the doctor man, but I'll make sure I get rest.
Bun: Yeah it's all good , love you man , sorry again for earlier , see y'all later.

I left out the trap and hopped back in my Range, I dialed up Bahja .

Outgoing Call Bahja💖💁🏻

Bahja: Hello?
Me: Yea I'm about to pull up to the front , so you can trail me, we can deal with Cherrie and NeNe in the morning.
Bahja: Sounds good to me. Let's Goooo
Me: Oh my god , bitch bye 😐🙄

Call Ended.

I don't play games with these bitches, I don't have time to play with these hoes and Cherrie mouth almost cost her , her life and I'm not even gonna bring up TJ to Travis just yet, I'm gonna wait for it. I'll strike when the iron gets hot. You can never out slick or double cross me. It'll only backfire in your fucking face and by then it's too late for second chances.


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