Baby Shower

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Melanie POV

I am now currently 8 months pregnant and today is my baby shower. Everything was so pretty in both pink and blue colors. Of course I had bestie Bahja host and do everything for the baby shower to give Travis and I a break we gone have to deal with these babies for the rest of our lives. There were quite a lot of people here from family, friends, to other celebrities and I was just very thankful that people took their time out to come and support us. Everyone was just mingling so I gathered them together to say thanks..

Me: Attention everyone..... I just wanna thank you all very much for taking time out of your busy schedules to par take in this moment with my husband and our future babies. I was very scared at first when I found out I was pregnant. Then to find out I was having twins I got even more scared but then I remembered that Travis could be here every step of the way and I would never be alone and that helps me go further in my days because I'm reminded that I'll never be alone and that we will both be amazing parents. Their gonna be spoiled asl but that will be okay because I'll be here to take care of them every step and be ready with my belt when necessary. Overall I'm vowing to be the best mother I could possibly be. To Travis I love you. I want to thank you and God for these blessings they mean a lot to me already and they aren't even in the world yet. With that being said I'll see you all front in center again in a hour to open some of these gifts I cannot open all, it's wayyyyy too many I'll be up here opening for days. Anyways continue to eat and mingle and I'll see you guys soon.

I walked off and into the venue to go and use the bathroom, for some reason I had to pee super duper bad. I entered the stall and used the bathroom. Flushed the toilet and went and washed my hands taking a paper towel to dry my hands. I left out and started mingling with a few guests. About an hour later it was time to start opening gifts...... I got a chair and began to gather everyone around. Once gathered, I began to open up gifts ... about 6 gifts in and I couldn't believe it. Bahja was saying who the gifts where from before she gave them to me and Travis.

Bahja: Our next gift is from.. Cherrie Handson

It's like I went death, I quickly scanned the room looking for this bitch , I told her to stay the fuck away. Finally I seen the lil ugly bitch in the back ... I looked down at my legs seeing water trickle down my legs following blood.... noooo no this can't be me going into later is it.

Me: Travis we have to go now I think my water broke and I'm bleeding. Baby I'm scared please get me out of here.

I put on a brave face for the crowd but as soon as I got in that car I cried

Me: Travis I'm so scared do you think everything is okay? Why would she come here why? Why am I bleeding ? Please hurry omg *screams* It hurts

Travis: Baby . Baby everything is going to be fine. Please calm down, take a deep breath. Take a deep breath, breath in and breath out slowly, you remember the breathing techniques they are proven to work just do not panic. Your gonna be fine I promise.

Seconds later we were at our hospital and he called for help and immediately I was being wheeled in a wheelchair in a room being stripped of my clothes and put in a hospital gown, being hooked up to the monitors and putting a oxygen breather through my noise. Minutes later Travis was in the room and he held my hand.

Travis: Baby everything is gonna be okay just believe in me, believe in yourself and the babies. Everything is going to be fine I assure you.

The doctor came in the room and she instantly got to it.

Dr. Sanchez: Hello Mrs. Matthews, I want you to know you are in good hands. Know you're fine, you're vital are good everything is fine. I'm just going to need you to push once you reach 10 cm you are now at 7cm and the contractions are going to come quicker so remember to breathe. I'll be back in a few minutes hang tight okay. Keep breathing.

I was so in awe I'm really about to have my babies right now. They are ready to meet mama and dada. I'm happy but I seen blood and got so afraid. I thought something was wrong but God always keep me covered. The contractions came quicker as the doctor said and in no time I was ready to push. I continue breathing while my baby held my hand. The doctor came back and got into position and it was finally time.

Dr. Sanchez: Okay Melanie I see the head ... 1..2..3... push

I pushed with all my might and I guess the baby was already coming out because I pushed once and they slid right out. I got scared but the baby started crying and I was relieved. Yet still I had another delivery to make. The nurses were cleaning the baby off.

Dr. Sanchez: Okay so we just delivered your baby boy so now let's bring the sister home on my count to three Melanie...1...2...3 push as hard as you can now

I pushed as hard as my body would allow. Pushing her half way out. The doctor instructed me to push very hard again for a second time. That's exactly what I did. I pushed very hard and next thing I know I heard the beautiful tears 😩 I cried tears of joy as they cleaned her up and brung me both the babies too hold. I fell so in love. These are really my babies. I gave one of them to Travis I'm so happy.

Dr. Sanchez- Safe delivery and they are adorable, what do we name them?

Travis: You pick baby , both of them .

Me: Okay we'll for him- Trevor Kai Lockhart & for her Monique Kei Lockhart

Travis: Baby them some nice ass names. I love you and I'll do anything to protect you all. I'll take care of Cherrie.

I nodded my head. I didn't give a fuck about anything or anyone at that moment just my kids. My babies are here and healthy nothing can top that.


Fb: @Bree Tdb❤️
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