I Got You

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Melanie POV

I was sitting in the room, just came back upstairs from eating with all of the family. Bahja and Sean left out to Bahjas house so it was just Travis, Armani & I. Armani had went in his room and Travis would be up soon from cleaning up downstairs. I thought about what Bahja said. See the thing is this isn't the first time since my parents death that I cried behind closed doors. Losing a parent is never easy but losing both in the exact same moment has to be like one of the hardest things that anyone can go through. I loved God so much but at times I'd ask him why? I know I don't live the life of a saint but this is too much for me to handle and then finding out that I had a brother on top of it all. That put the icing on the cake. I didn't realize Travis came in the room or the fact that I was crying. He got in the bed and held me close to him. He didn't talk , he just held me in his embrace while I cried. The more the tears fell the tighter he hugged. I took a deep breath and started to calm down seeing as though I am pregnant and I didn't wanna get too worked up or stressed out because that's not good and I don't wanna cause problems in my pregnancy.

Me- I'm just a emotional wreck baby. Between the baby hormones and my parents. It's so hard to find a balance I just wanna be okay but I'm really struggling.

Travis- Melanie you're one of the strongest people I know. I know that this is very hard for you but we're gonna get through this together and then in a while we're gonna have a beautiful baby that looks just like me on our hands.

I hit his shoulder playfully and laughed. See this is what I mean. He just cares for me and shows me so much love and support even when I can't offer it to myself. I love this man and I always knew he was right for me.

Melanie- Baby I love you and word to the wise you're going to be a great father... our first child at that so exciting don't you think... we definitely have to do family photos, gender reveal, ohh a hugeee baby shower and—

Travis- Baby , baby ok calm down (laughing) take a deep breath and slow down. Yess we gonna do all that for our first child. I'm excited to have a baby with you. I couldn't see me having children with anyone else.

I figured now was time to let him know I know about Cherrie and how this baby really came about.

Mel- Interesting that you would say that you know cause what about Cherrie ?

Travis POV

I was thrown off when I heard Mel ask me that like that shit was definitely unexpected. I knew one day it would come up so I figure now it was time to just tell her the true.

Me- I guess now is the time to tell you about her. Well I never liked Cherrie of course she's a couple years older than us... well more than a couple like 7 years older. She was always at our frat parties, but I just kept cordial with her. One particular night , we had this big frat party and of course she was there. There was hella liquor so we were all drinking. I asked one of my guys there Nico to hold my cup while I went to the bathroom. I came back and she had the cup. Said that Nico seen a bad ass bitch and handed her the cup to hold so he could go talk to her. So I laughed because Nico always let a bitch catch his eye, moving on I took the cup back and I got to sipping not thinking nothing of it. After a while I started feeling weird and shit and the boys were asking me shit "like nigga you cool and shit" I ain't wtf was going on so I'm like "I think I should probably lay down you know" so Cherrie jumped in and said "you guys just finish enjoying the party I promise I'll make sure he gets to bed he doesn't look good." She took me upstairs and we got in a room and she laid me down and at that point finally hitting those soft sheets I had no type of energy at all. I didn't know why I felt like that next thing I know I feel my clothes being taken off and now I'm getting suspicious so I ask her like "what you doing I'm good you can go back to the party". So she tells me "no baby imma take really good care of you baby don't worry" and after that I blacked out... next day I didn't remember shit honestly but I freshened up and got dressed and the guys was like "yo we heard you had a wild night with Cherrie" and I looked at them like they was smoking crack they knew I ain't really like her ass so I'm like "wtf y'all ass tripping I ain't fuck shorty ion even remember nothing that happened yesterday like dead ass ion even remember coming to this party like that's how bad it is"... they get to laughing at me like I'm some type of funny guy I brushed it off tho and I left... things were going good I hadn't seen Cherrie or anything it had been about two weeks, I get a text from her out of no where... don't even know who gave her my number and she's like "she pregnant." I say "oh congratulations who the father" cause I sure as hell know it wasn't me... she's like " yea it is, shit got to wild at that party"... come to find out the night of the party Nico never gave her my cup willingly she offered to hold it so he can go do his thing she put drugs in my cup.... took advantage of me which sounds silly Asf for a male but it's like the drug paralyzed me once I laid on the bed I couldn't move. I got my parents involved and I wanted nothing to do with her or that baby she gets monthly checks from them for the child but that's about it and I haven't heard anything from her since our wedding night when she was begging for more money so I guess she finally got the hint to leave me alone so I don't even bother her...

Mel- Wow Baby... that's really something but you could of just told me I'd never judge you but I get it you have your reason and maybe she did get the hint who knows but I'm kind of sleepy we have a appointment tomorrow let's go to bed.

We snuggled in bed holding each other. I felt really good about getting that off my chest now I have nothing else hidden from Melanie... well not exactly but that Cherrie shit is out the way so I'm glad about it. The other thing... that can stay hidden for a while longer.

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