A Date?

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"Tamaki, I don't want you paying for me! I have money!" You say as you sigh softly, looking admirably at the many different ice cream flavours.

"I cannot have my princess pay for herself! It is just not right." Tamaki answers stubbornly, he's quite the character isn't he?

"Fine, if you're paying for mine, I'll pay for yours." You reply as you cross your arms.

"But-" Tamaki stops himself as he notices your stare. "Sounds like a deal." Tamaki soon mutters, feeling defeated.

Smirking visibly, you tell the clerk the flavours that Tamaki and you want before the two of you both hand over the money.

Once the clerk serves the ice cream, he passes it over towards you and you pass Tamaki's his. "Are we going to eat here?" You ask as you turn to Tamaki.

"Sure!" Tamaki answers, only saying that so that the two could spend more time together. He's just trying to be a sweet heart... He is also trying to have you all to himself, though he would never admit that to you. The two of you walk over towards a small table and sit down, facing one another.

You begin to lick your ice cream, rather innocently though Tamaki... He's just a pervert. His cheeks are rather pink as he watches you.

"What are you looking at?" You ask, raising an eyebrow which causes him to quickly look away and continue to eat his ice cream.

"Someone beautiful." Tamaki replies smoothly, obviously recovering from getting caught watching you.

Scoffing playfully, you roll your eyes at him and continue to eat your ice cream. It didn't take you and Tamaki long at all to finish your ice creams and at this point, you two are simply talking.

"(Y/N)..." Tamaki says, rather quietly, he looks at your lips and then returns his gaze to look into your eyes. He leans forward causing you to do the same, you realise that he closes his eyes as you reach out to him. You hug him from over the table, which caused him to be shocked. While he is wanting a kiss, you just want a hug though still, being the 'oblivious' you, you didn't notice.

"Thank you for everything, Tamaki." You say, smiling softly. Tamaki's arms slowly slip around you to return the hug.

"It's really no problem, my princess." Tamaki answers before pulling away from the hug. "Come on, I will drop you off home." Tamaki say before standing up. You follow him out towards the limo and hop in along with him.

~Time skip~

"Allow me to walk you to the door." Tamaki says, which causes you to shake your head, you didn't want to be a burden to him. "Don't bother trying to fight me on this, I am going to walk you to your door." Tamaki comments which causes you to roll your eyes. Stubborn little shit.

"Fine." You say as you allow him to walk you to your door before turning to him. You stand up on your tippy toes and give him a small kiss on the cheek, "That's to make up for the missed kiss." You say before going back inside with a small blush appearing on your cheeks. You aren't as oblivious as people think, you knew that Tamaki was going for the kiss.

You don't want to go down that path, not just yet anyway. It seems as though the lightbulb of realising that Tamaki likes you has finally turned on, how could he like you so quickly? You didn't know though it made you feel good inside. You are able to catch his attention, that's an achievement.

I've made reader pay a lot of attention to Tamaki. So, I am allowing you guys to choose who reader pays attention to next! Comment which guy or girl you want reader to hang with for a bit c: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, yes, even you Karl.

For You I Will (OHSHC x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now