1. The Beginning

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"You'll be fine Nick. We've discussed this many times these past few weeks and if I had any doubts you know I'd tell you." Officer Tommy clapped a strong hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me.

Officer Tommy was like a father to me and over the past few months, he grew to be one of the only people I trusted anymore. Growing up in this small town, I had known him all my life. He was genuinely good and had the biggest heart of any person I've ever met. Nobody ever wanted to disappoint him. He knew everyone in this town by name and was always available to lend a hand, or an ear if need be. To me however, he was so much more.

After the accident that took my best friend from me, I wanted to die. The constant pain I felt was unbearable, and I seriously considered taking my own life as a solution. As anyone who's ever grieved knows, you just want the pain of loss to go away. For weeks I kept myself locked in my room, hiding in the closet like a goddamn child, only ever coming out on the rare occasion that I absolutely had to. I just wanted to waste away. I figured that I could just fade away with the crushing guilt and grief. I refused to speak to anyone or to even look at anyone for that matter. After a while, my older brothers, scared for my life, went to Officer Tommy and he's been my rock ever since.

"I know. I-It-It's just nerves I guess." I looked up at him and tried a smile, but I was unable to meet his eyes. I knew as soon as I saw those deep brown irises, wise beyond their years, I wouldn't be able to hold it together. He gave me a sad smile before pulling me in for a rare, tight hug.

"You know you can still call me anytime. I'm always here for you." He pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes. "You stay outta trouble now kid. Be good to yourself." All I could do was a nod as I stepped into the car.

My mom reached around her seat and gave my hand a small squeeze. It was then that I realized they were trembling, but then again they do that more often than not these days. "You ready?" She smiled. I didn't give her an answer but I doubt she expected one. I just turned towards the window and watched as we drove away from the town that held so many memories and so much pain.  

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