12. Good Days

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I haven't told mom and dad about what's been going on with Jake. I don't need to give them something else to worry about. Adam is coming down for the weekend again. I'm excited that he's coming but at the same time I'm kind of annoyed that he feels the need to check up on me so much. Too be fair we haven't talked much these days. He's busy with school, being a college freshman and all. Adam is driving down right after his last class today. The others took notice of my anxiety today which I've been trying to calm.

"What's gotten into you today? You're shaking like a 5 year old on Christmas." Jake laughed and shook his head.

"Hey video games at my place today? Mom just left for the city so the food is stocked up." Oli jumped in.

I'm not entirely sure what prompted me to do it. Maybe I really am losing it because I grabbed Oli by the hand and shook it, unable to get the words to spill from my lips.

"What man?" He looked at me in confusion, stifling a laugh.

"Let's go to my house!" It came out in such a rush I don't know how they understood but they did.

"Are you sure?" Nessy asked and I nodded. "Alright yeah. That'd be cool." Everyone nodded in agreement. The day was going great. Everyone was coming to my house and Adam would be there. It was perfect. Then I remembered I should probably ask my mom.


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The walk up the drive to my house was nerve wracking. I'm not sure what I was thinking invited everyone over. It was around 3:30 which meant that Adam would be here in a little over 2 hours. I had 2 hours to keep everyone anyway from my family so that no questions could be asked or answered. Opening the door I was met with the familiar scent of my mom's cooking. She's making spaghetti because it's mine and Adam's favourite.

"Nick honey is that you?" She called from presumably the kitchen.

"Nope. Burglars!" I called back sarcastically. She laughed coming to greet us.

"Very funny." She swatted me with a tea towel. "Hello gang! Good to see you again."

I mentally face palmed at her use of the word gang.

"You too Mrs. Jordans. Thank you for having us." Jake smiled politely.

"Call me Natalie hun, I'm not that old. Are you staying 'round for dinner? I'm making spaghetti because I promised Adam."

"Oh Adam's coming?" Jake raised his eyebrows. The three of them shared a glance before he smiled again. "That would be lovely. If you don't mine that is. We wouldn't want to intrude."

"Oh you're too kind. It's settled. You three are staying." She gave me a hug before shooing us off to the basement.

There was a lot of racket coming from downstairs and I inwardly groaned as we approached the bottom of the stairs. Of course the one time I bring my friends over my brothers just had to be home. They were playing some stupid video game that they were obsessed with. You'd think at 19 and 21 they'd be doing something more with their lives. I guess that's my fault though so I try my best to hide my annoyance. I walk right in front of the tv to get their attention.

"Goddammit Nick move I was winning!" Nate shouted.

"Oh you were not jackass! But seriously Nick what the hell man?" Both were giving me very annoyed looks and I gestured to my friends. They all held amused looks.

"I see what's going on. Little Nicky's having a party. These three and Adam damn bro. Don't let things get too wild." Nate was laughing uncontrollably at his own joke.

"We best leave them be Nate. Wouldn't want to embarrass our baby brother." Noah joined in. He stood and ruffled my hair.

"Buzz off." I muttered shoving him away. The two continued to laughed as they went upstairs. I saw everyone trying to stifle their giggles.

"Your brothers seem nice." Oli giggled and I shot him a glare.

"Well at least we know why you were all excited today." I looked at Hennessey in confusion. "Adam's coming you dork." She playfully slapped my arm and I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her down onto the couch with me. Her sweet laugh filled my ears and I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. We sat there staring at each other for a little too long and a cough brought us out of our moment,

"Get a room you too!" Oli yelled in fake disgust.

Hennessy threw a pillow at his face and next thing I know we're having a full blown pillow fight. It didn't last very long. We were a heap on the floor, out of breath and begging for mercy in no time. It was then, that I realized the thoughts were silent. Hennessey had her head resting on my stomach, Jake and Oliver were a tangled mess at my feet. We were trying to control our laughter. This is what happiness feels like. I had almost forgotten what it was like. I lay there a while trying to memorize the feeling before it slips away again.

"Video games anyone?" Oli sat up, breaking the comfortable calmness.

We played for a while. Well Jake and Oli mostly played while Hennessy and I laughed at them. My hand was clasped tightly in hers. We had completely lost track of time so I was surprised when Adam came barrelling down the stairs.

"The party has arrived!" He spotted us on the couch and his face went to into a dramatic frown. "What you get some new friends and suddenly you forget all about me? I'm hurt Nicky really." He tried to keep a straight face but erupted in giggles.

I lept up and pulled him into a tight hug as if to say how much I missed him. He must've understood because he whispered "I missed you too bro."

He greeted everyone else and we went back to what we were doing before. Oliver and Adam got very competitive at Black Ops and it was honestly extremely entertaining. When mom called us up for dinner I stood and held my hand out to Hennessey who took it with a warm smile. I saw Adam smirk at us out of the corner of my eye and I'm sure my face was red. He always did know me the best.

Before we reached the top of the stairs Hennessy pulled my arm to keep me back.

"So Nicky huh? It's that like a universal nickname for you or is it reserved for certain people?" she had a serious expression but I could detect the smile behind her eyes.

"NIcky is reserved for my brothers and Adam because despite how much I tell them I hate it, they won't stop calling me that."

"Hmm. Guess I'll just have to think of my own nickname then." With that she kissed my cheek and giggled as she ran the rest of the way up the stairs.

This girl, I swear.

// So I figured I should clear some things up

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// So I figured I should clear some things up. The towns of George Church and Hallbrooke are fictional, (that I know of anyway), however this story does take place in Canada because #pride. There isn't a set province or anything so use your imagination. As for the whole Jake story line I know it seems kind of random and out of place but it is necessary for events later in the story. Trust me things will eventually all make sense. Love you. //

~ Kim XOX

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