Chapter 10 - Run

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Will's POV

"Natalie..." Dr. Joseph mumbled as I entered the room with my fingers entwined with Natalie's. It was strange how he even remembered her, let alone her name. It was so long ago. I tugged on Natalie's hand and she followed as I pulled out a chair for her and sat myself down in another.

"Care to explain?" Dr. Joseph asked with a surprised expression, still clearly showing in his facial features. He pulled his gray swirly chair out and sat on it.

I glanced at Natalie, flashed her a quick smile, and felt her grip on my hand loosen a little. "Well," I rubbed my free hand on my jeans before continuing, "she showed up in my house a few days ago," I made sure that I left out the specific details that he didn't need to know.

His eyebrows raised and I prayed inside my head that he wouldn't question that any further. "Alright then," he said, and leaned back against his chair, closing his eyes as if he was deep in thought. That was not the answer I was looking for, but it was better than asking me the other questions.

I glanced at Natalie again, but she was still frozen in her spot, not from the snow, but from something else that I couldn't quite figure out yet.

I leaned over my chair and nudged her slightly, making her jump in her skin. "You okay?" I whisper in her ear.

She barely nodded, before returning back to her statue form.

"Will," Dr. Joseph's voice suddenly called out my name, and I turned back to look at him. When he made sure I was listening, he continued on, "Do you think we can have a private lesson today?" He leaned his hands on the wooden table in front of him. "I have some things to ask you, if that's alright with you," he added, giving Natalie a quick glance.

"Whatever you want to say, you can say it in front of her," I nodded my head at Natalie. She was basically the same thing as me, a part of me. A big one.

"Will, I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Thant's fine." I snap. "We can talk some other time then." I pushed my chair backwards and got up, pulling Natalie up with me.

"Wait," Dr. Joseph said when we were halfway out the door. I turned around slightly. "Can I talk privately to Natalie at least then? For just a few minutes? Please?"

I looked at Natalie who shrugged and I replied with, "You have one minute." I pulled out my phone and checked the time. 9:54. Then I walked out the door leaving Natalie alone with Dr. Joseph.

I walked out, expecting to find Kaylee waiting outside again, but weirdly, she wasn't here this time.

Natalie's POV

"Natalie!" Dr. Joseph's voice rang in my ears, the chirpiness of it making me flinch, and I faked a smile at him before sitting back down again.

I nodded at him to get on with whatever he wanted to say. "I'm listening,"

He smiled and pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "Well, I'm glad you are, because we need to catch up on where we left off. Two years ago." His eyes turned cold for a minute before a smirk was written all over his face. Hm, I guess he remembered a lot more than I thought he would.

"Go on,"

"Listen, Natalie," he crossed his legs under the desk. "I don't know what happened between now and then, but you shouldn't be messing with that boy's heart,"

"He has a name," I jumped in, crossing my arms across my chest. Fine. If he wanted to play stubborn, I was going to play right along.

He glared, but then a grin spread across his face. "I'm surprised you even bothered to remember his name. You don't seem like you remember anything of what you put Will through."

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