Chapter 13 - Love Game

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Kaylee's POV

I caught his fingers just above my face and even then, from the distance away, I could see the markings dug deep into his skin on each and every one of his fingers. Long and jagged cuts sliced through his rough fingertips and I shivered, not from the cold, but from the deepness of it.

He began to pull his hand back but I held onto them and his golden eyes widened as he watched me bring his finger tips to my lips to give them small kisses. But I knew it was a mistake as soon as his eyes turned a different shade of gold and his face hardened, his gaze far away, before he jumped up, gave me a small smile, and mumbled a quick excuse to me, "I got to go home." Then he took off.

As soon as he left, I stayed there, lying on the snow for a minute, trying to make sense of what just happened, but I didn't get a chance, because a gloved hand clamped down on my mouth and I was being pulled up to my feet with me struggling in his grip. Then as if on cue, Will turned around and he screamed, "Kaylee!" And then-

I shot upright, my breathing uneven and hitching at all the wrong times. My heart raced in my ears, and my pulse rang inside my body. Slightly making an attempt at slowing down my breathing, I glanced around my velvet colored room in the darkness, making my eyes adjust with every movement of my body, before I reached over quickly and flicked on the lamp standing on the little coffee table next to my bed. Even though the room almost lighted up immediately, there was still something so wrong at that moment that I reached over and flicked on my other lamp on the other side of me. When the darkness was taken away, I rubbed at my arms to keep warm and pulled the covers up into my lap.

It was soon too quiet for me to handle and I slipped out of bed and headed down the stairs without turning the light on, just feeling my way against the wall and taking one step at a time slowly to decrease my chance of tumbling down the stairs. I then ran the rest of the way to the front door as if I couldn't breathe and threw the door open, slamming it closed behind me as I made my way outside, barely clothed in the appropriate winter clothes and I immediately regretted it as the cold wind hit me.

My bare feet made contact with the porch and I walked down the steps with hope that I would not step on something sharp. Making a turn, I settled on the ground leaning against the wall on the cold dirt floor, the only place I could find that wasn't covered in snow, twisting my fingers around with the others.

I bit down on my lip as the temperature continued to drop and kept my hands hugged to my legs to keep warm, blankly staring out at the night sky in front of me. The sky laid out in front of me was littered with glowing stars that I knew would soon fade from my eyes, and I wondered if that was how life was like, too. A glowing star that would soon fade from our eyes.

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" a voice was at my ears and I jumped, instinctively turning to look at where the voice had come from, before I wished that I had never looked. Acting quickly, my feet moved under me and up the stairs, and just as my hand came in contact with the doorknob, something sharp was under my neck, glimmering with the sharpness and silver color of it.

"C'mon, we've only met and you're already running?" His voice smirked into my ear and I tried hard not to breathe too hard. I was vaguely aware of the sharp point of his knife digging into my skin. His fingers dug into the fingers holding tightly onto the doorknob and he plucked them off the knob, one by one, all the while with a devious smile imprinted into his face. When he finished, he guided me over to my own porch swing and sat me down on it, all the while with his knife pressed behind my back.

"Now tell me," His fingers traced over the sharp object up until the top before laying it down beside him on the swing. He pulled me closer but I pulled away from him and scooted until I was almost halfway falling off the bench of the swing. He pulled me back up roughly and reminded me, as if I had forgotten, "Remember, I have something you don't have," his voice giving me an inkling that he still had that knife with him to keep him safe.

"So you know Will," he finally piped up and I turned to look at him quickly, the name carved into my memory like the lyrics of an old song.

He smirked and continued on, carrying this entire conversation by himself, "He's an old friend of mine," he chuckled and stared out in front of him. "And he seems to be very fond of you," he says, emphasizing on the word 'fond'.

My fingers twisted on the rope hanging the bench up, the roughness of it burning my skin as I twisted harder, thinking, Who the hell is he?

"I'll get straight to the point," His knife appeared out of nowhere again and I winced, feeling the end at my throat. "We're going to play a little game,"

A game?

"Yeah," he nodded, answering my unasked question. "And there are rules to this game just like every other game. In this game, there are three simple rules," he breathed out, leaving a trail of mist hovering in the air in front of us, and I watched until it faded from my eyes.

"Rule number one," he grabbed my wrist and I tried to pull it back, but he hung onto it tightly, his grip on it getting tighter by the second. "There's this boy, and I want to break him. I want it so badly, so you're going to play as well,"

I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration, wondering how this had anything to do with me. I barely even knew him, and this was how he was going to earn my trust? By showing up in the middle of the night, armed and ready to kill me if I wasn't going to play his little game?

"Rule number two," he started to get up, but I stayed seated, barely moving an inch, scared to death by this boy who seemed to like killing things. "If you try to cheat, you die first, and rule number three," he shook his head and said, "By the time we're done, we're going to snap him like a twig and if you don't play, we'll kill him first, and make you watch, before we do the same to you."

As I tried to make sense of what all of this meant, he grabbed my wrist and pulled the sleeve up, and that's when I realized what he meant.

He wanted me to play with love, like playing with fire, and when it was the right moment, he was going to break Will into small pieces, and although I had no clue of why he wanted this, I knew that I certainly wasn't going to sit and watch Will die.

Then I screamed silently as his brought his knife up to my wrist and slashed them over and over again.

As he walked off with a grin on his face, he yelled over to me, still walking backwards, "Remember the name Ayden. You belong to me now."

Still grabbing my wrist in pain and trying to keep the flowing blood down, I looked down at my wrist. On the left wrist, slashed with red blood pouring out, read a fresh letter marking on it.


A/N: Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW! Thanks! :)


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