I Ain't Sorry

14 3 8

My friend is mad at me because I told her I'm gonna be homeschooled. She yells at me and tells me to say sorry.

I've always hated this girl for SO many reasons. And told her I wasn't sorry. Then I told her I don't want to be friends with her cause she's rude and is so fake. She told me to take it back.

I rolled my eyes cause she's such a drama queen and I told her "I ain't sorry" then hung up.

So yeah I'm gonna be homeschooling. I'm homeschooling cause I can't stand people who are at my school, and cause I don't like interacting with other people. I only interact with people through the internet and only if they're not my friends. Most of my friends are fake.

Yeah and the other reason I'm homeschooling is because I don't like getting dressed in the morning into my uniform and drive to school,all I have to do now is wake up and brush my hair and teeth and go on my laptop(which is how I homeschool).

I'm really happy with it right now, so thank god!

But to my friends (idk if they have wattpad) about me homeschooling and never talking to them again....


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