Heart Attack

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       I don't wanna get married.

    I don't really like the idea of having to spend the rest of my life with someone. I know some people are like "wouldn't you like to be with someone you really love for the rest of your life?" I mean I guess, but I don't think I'll fall in love.

    As most of you know, I have trust issues, I don't know if I can trust a "significant other", if I do have a relationship one day, I don't know if I can trust if there telling the truth or not.

    People at my old public school last year would talk to me like this.

Person:"Are you a lesbian?"

                                      Me:"No. Why?"

Person:"Oh sorry its just cause you've never had a crush on a guy and if they ask you out you reject them"

                                   Me:"So? I just don't like the thought of being with someone. Just because I don't date guys doesn't mean I'm a lesbian. Plus, WE'RE IN FREAKING 6TH GRADE! THE HELL?! Stop judging people, and worry about your damn self.

Person:"No! I'm not judging, I just thought-"

                                Me:"I don't care what you thought! Stop assuming people are something just by the way they act! Now leave me alone you hormonal teenager!"

        I don't have ANYTHING against people who like the same sex, OK, I just think its rude for people to just ASSUME that a person is one thing, no matter if they are or not.

      I don't wanna get married because I like being free! I don't wanna be tied down with someone and loose my freedom. And some people at my age date, which I think is stupid, why would someone wanna date now? AND MOST OF THEIR PARENTS NOW!!!!! Talk about bad parenting..... 

      Anyways yeah my heart wouldn't be able to contain love for people who are not my family it would be too much.

     🎤🎶If I did that, I think I'd have a heart attack🎶🎤

Journey of My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora