Wide Awake

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     I KEEP WAKING UP EARLY UUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!! I've been going to sleep at like 10 p.m. and waking up at 6:45 a.m.!!!!!!! I try to go back to sleep but I can't

    I listen to music when I fall asleep so I thought, maybe that's keeping me awake, so I put on nature sounds. Then the nature sounds don't work so I go on YouTube and type "YellowBrickCinema" and they have all these sounds that are so soothing, the put the sounds for different categories like studying, relaxing, healing, deep sleep, concentrating music all that stuff.

     Well that didn't work either so I just didn't play anything and tried to fall asleep like that, well that just got me to get anxiety cause I get freaked out with the small noises in my room, I don't exactly get "scared" its just when I'm about to go to sleep there's always a noise that wakes me up and I get frustrated so my heart starts racing of how angry I get when I can't sleep.

     And I have a huge window in my room with curtains but the curtains are very thin so there's a lot of sunlight. Anyways if none of those things work, I just wake up😒

      I hate it so much cause I want to go back to the way it used to be, where I sleep more than 17 hours!!!!!!

     I guess oh well cause I can't go back to sleep, I'm wide awake...😒

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