I'll Show You

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Alright so my friend's friend gave this girl Mia(a girl who hates me for NO reason) my phone number. She tells me "I'm so glad your homeschooling so I don't have to hear or see you" and I say "I'm so glad I'm homeschooling so I don't have to hear your annoying voice complain about me and so I don't have to see your ugly face"

She doesn't reply until 30 minutes later (I'm guessing she didn't have a comeback) she says "Your never gonna make it anywhere in life, your not gonna become a singer or a veterinarian" I've heard that so much in my life, so I decided instead of letting everyone think of me like that I want to prove them all wrong....

I told her "you know what? I will. I know I will. Your gonna either see me singing on stage, or on TV as worlds best veterinarian." She just starts laughing and says "yeah, OK, suuure, hahahha coincided much?" And I said "No, just confident." "Whatever" and I say "just watch, I'll show you" and I hung up and blocked her then told whoever gave her my number to tell her I changed my number so she won't call me again (I didn't actually change my number I just told her to tell her that so she can't talk to me).

To all those people who think that they can't, because people say they can't, well guess what? You can!!! If your a woman and you wanna do a mans job, and people tell you that you can't cause your a woman, you can, you can do anything you set your heart and mind to. Man or women, you can do it.

Even if you have a disability you can still do it!!! No matter what your cause is! Woman,man,special,loner,unpopular,small,tall, no matter what you are, you can do it!!

You can gain the courage and go to all to all the people who said you can't be what you wanna be and tell them.........

"I'll show you"

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