Stressed Out

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     Ok I wrote a chapter earlier about how I was nervous about my first day in homeschooling, I'm just stressed out now. I keep yelling at myself for getting nervous and that just gets me more stressed out, but I can't help it.

      UUUUGGGHHHHH I thought I would be fine when my brothers were coming over, then they said they can't come. I hate it when people say "I'll come over later" and then they say not till way later "oh sorry I can't come"! Like, couldn't you have told me that earlier before I get excited and you put me hopes down?!

  I just reply with a simple "ok" and that's the end of it, so no one's coming over so I'm gonna be bored today and tomorrow. Oh well, I'll just read and watch TV, I don't like going to other people's houses so I'm not going to anybody's house.

    I won't be bored Sunday though, I'm going to a waterfall in New Mexico, and I'm gonna swim in it! We're gonna stay there all day and I'm so happy! We leave at 8 a.m. so we'll get there at 11 a.m. I'm so excited!!!

   Maybe the waterfall will wash away my stress since its the day before I start homeschooling, I need this. Anyways I'm not going in 2 days so that makes me anxious for the days to pass already and that gets me stressed out. I get easily mad with my family, its just how I was raised, us Barrera's are very strange....

We are very angry gamers, we are half deaf (not literally but we just have to have the TV and music on full blast to hear), we are impatient, we easily get mad at each other, we are INSANELY attractive (jk jk jk😂), we're loud, my aunts are not speaking with each other, but we always have each others back.

       Anyways I'm really stressed out right now.........

         I hate being stressed out...

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