New Family Member On Wattpad

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Hey everyone so you might have saw this on one of my chapters

     Hey everyone so you might have saw this on one of my chapters

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    Yeah so that's my little cousin Alyssa

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Yeah so that's my little cousin Alyssa. I just showed her wattpad and she's writing a book called "Revenge Is Best Served Cold" I will help her on it but not the WHOLE thing so if she misspells a word don't freak out! And if I hear ONCE that you did or said something to know what I'll do!

So everyone meet alyssaruiz24 everyone go check out her page. Hey and Alyssa, (I'm talking to you Alyssa) be careful here on wattpad they're like heathens but if they say anything bad just tell me and I'll handle it. And also.... WELCOME TO WATTPAD!!!!

Everyone go to her page and welcome her to wattpad! OK my lovelies/heathens I'll see you later!!!

Oh and remember to never mess with any of my cousins alyssaruiz24,Bryanna_7,or sheerio58 cause you know what I'll do.

Anyways seeya later heathens!!!

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