Loved Me Back To Life

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A Demi Lovato love story by a Hard Core Lovatic

Some Sexual content for Mature audiences.

First ever story!

Chapter 1 The Beginning

"Demi! Sweetheart wake up" I rolled over and hid under the blankets I just wanted to sleep. I mean was that too much to ask I work hard, Neon Lights Tour just kicked off a little over 2 week ago and I'm already beat. The thing is I am not sleeping well at all! I didn't fall asleep till just an hour ago. "DEMI!" I opened my heavy eyes "I'm up I'm up" my manager Lindsey smiled "you have 20 minutes" I nodded as I stood up. My body ached I really need a massage but its probably not going to happen. I let out a sigh as I hopped in the shower. I washed my long black hair and then scrubbed my body. I have a long day ahead of me I looked in the mirror and put on my smile "you can do this Demi!" I said trying to pep myself up. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans my Metallica shirt and a leather jacket. Then threw my hair up in a wet bun I walked to my dressing room Mike my hair Guy gave me a quick hug then began performing magic on my hair. He straightened it "thanks" he smiled "no problem beautiful". When he left I took out my phone and went on twitter my feed was full of excited tweets. I tweeted "I love my lovatics y'all are so cute when your excited!" I exited and turned my phone off when Kelsey my make up artist came in and hugged me. She gave me a half smile "you haven't been sleeping well". She stated not really asked but I nodded my head. She grabbed my hand "do you want to talk about it?" My team is so good at taking care of me we are all family here but I really didn't feel like talking. What am I going to say I'm lonely and meeting thousands of gorgeous girls everyday makes those bad thoughts sneak in. I looked at her concerned face "no I'm okay" I gave her a big smile. She looked at me "don't you do that, don't you pretend everything is okay and keep it all bottled up." I looked at my hands everyone sees right through me now. She grabbed my hand "you're not alone." I felt the tears forming "I just feel alone" I whispered "at night it is just so hard" I tried wiping my eyes clean but the tears just kept coming. Kelsey took me in her arms "I sat on my hands and listened to music for 3 hours last night". She squeezed me "next time call me I would of gladly played with your hair till you fell asleep I used to do it for my best friend all the time" I looked at her "thank you". I whipped my eyes and cleaned up my face so she could start working her magic. She went with dark eye shadow to match my already dark angel look I had going. I hugged her before heading to the meet and greets I glanced at myself in the reflection of my phone and put on a wide smile.

As I walked out the crowd screamed and a lot of girls started crying. I love my lovatics seriously so many beautiful people. I waved at all of them excitedly. Then Max and the other bodyguards started letting the groups and people through the line to meet me. I swear some of them dress as sexy as possible they don't know that lesbian for Lovato should be lesbian for lovatics. Ugh stop it you don't have time for a relationship and most of these girls are half your age. I had almost made it to the end of the line. I hugged this little boy he said "my sister told me not too, but I love you would you marry me?" Awe this little five year old just made my day "I would be the luckiest girl ever!" I kissed him on the cheek and he ran to his mom excited. I hugged and took pictures with a few more when there was only one girl left I looked at her what is she doing here all by herself? She looks like she is 14, her tiny body frame came closer and I smiled. Her entire look was angelic. She had on a bright blue shirt that hugged her a white pair of ripped up skinny jeans and a white and black leather jacket. She smiled back at me and that's when I got lost in her crystal blue eyes. I was snapped back to reality when she spoke "hi my name is Tascha". Her voice was so soft I wanted her to keep talking. She put her brown hair behind her ear nervously "hello Tascha I love your name!" I hugged her and she squeezed me tight. I looked at her as she stood there shyly "how old are you?" She looked at me and said "20 I'll be 21 in June!" What did I just hear her right? My mouth dropped open she giggled "I know I only look 13" I smiled trying not to look so shocked. I giggled "no I thought 14 but hey when your older-" she cut me off "I'll enjoy looking younger" we both broke out laughing. She looked at me "I get that all the time!" I smiled "I bet! Hey why are you here alone?" I asked shyly she looked down "well I don't really have many friends and my family doesn't really talk to me." She whispered that last part I hugged her again I didn't want to let go she just felt so right in my arms. I looked into her eyes luckily we are the same height so it was easy "I don't believe it you are gorgeous you probably have boys and girls begging for your number all the time." Did I just say that she looked down nervously crap I did say that! I took her hands in mine but before I could say sorry she spoke "Demi, you are so gorgeous, so don't even and um I really don't. I'm the quiet girl that nobody notices". She looked in my eyes "well I noticed you and I like you! You are so sweet and beautiful you are so full of light. I really want to get to know you better". I looked at her honestly what was I doing I just met this girl Demi don't screw this up she is too good for you. I fought the voices "what are you doing today?" She laughed, what's so funny? She stopped laughing when she realized I wasn't "um your concert" I slapped my forehead wow now I look stupid! She giggled "oh that's Demi" she winked at me. I laughed at her cuteness I looked at her "you know it" I teased winking back. She smiled "why do you want to know what I'm doing anyways?" She seemed genuinely confused. I poked her "I want to hang out with you silly! So what do you say to a backstage experience?" She smiled "are you sure? I mean are you aloud to have strangers follow you around backstage?" I giggled "it's my show and you're not a stranger you're a lovatic!" I said enthusiastically she smiled "you should be careful just because I'm a lovatic doesn't secure your safety." I laughed "what are you talking about?" She smirked at me "what if I'm one of those lesbian for Lovato jump you the second we are alone rape you lovatics" she giggled as my face turned red "well first of all you can't rape the willing and second I'll take my chances with you" I gave her a wink and she blushed. She is so cute trying to hide her pink cheeks. I grabbed her hand and pulled her backstage I showed her around. I looked at her "want to go hang out in my dressing room?" I really want to get to know this girl! She just nodded so I led us to the door with my name on it "well this is it" I said as I opened the door for her to walk in. She scanned the room "awesome" she said under her breath. I smiled and sat on the couch she followed and sat on the other end. I looked at the space between us I wanted it to be gone "so Tascha tell me about yourself" I said scooting a little closer. She played with her hands "um I'm a college student I'm going to be a therapist I want to help people." She smiled at me "awesome so I could like hire you as my personal therapist?" I asked. She laughed "um I guess if you wanted I was thinking more of a treatment center like the one I, I mean you went too". She said "I" oh my God how could this girl have needed treatment? I grabbed her hand "you don't have to be ashamed what did you go to treatment for?" She looked down and I could see tears falling onto her lap. I hugged her and the tears poured out even harder. I pulled her head up "just let it all out". She squeezed me "I know your story so it's only fair I tell you mine". She looked at me with so much emotion I had to choke back my tears I wanted to be strong for her. I rubbed her back "I, I was um molested growing up by my cousin". She breathed frantically and I couldn't hold back my tears any longer "I am so sorry Tascha". She sat up and looked at me "please don't cry Demi I'm okay now". I nodded "I thought it was my fault and began hating myself I stopped eating and started cutting when I was 9. When I got to Jr high things got worse. A girl in one of my classes made the entire school hate me including teachers. I told my parents everything and they told me it was my fault they put me into an all girls church school. I found a friend but when I started feeling more for her she told my parents. They flipped and said that if I choose to be a lesbian that I was no longer a child of theirs. I really tried to stay but my mom found all my lovatic accounts and they kicked me out." I squeezed her hand and she continued "I was cutting really deep close to the point of no return, when I heard these girls at the park I was staying at listening to your song skyscraper I stopped what I was doing and told myself I was stronger than this. That if you could get through dark times so could I. Then I told myself that one day I would tell you how you saved me." Oh my God this girl is so strong! She continued "I moved here to be with my grandma who was the only person that always had my back she paid for my treatment at Timberline knolls. I tested into college with a full ride and have been working really hard ever since." She smiled at me and I hugged her "you are so strong!" I looked in those blue eyes and just felt like I could be myself around her. I kissed her cheek "I am so happy you heard my song and stayed strong you have no idea how much you just inspired me." She smiled wider "seriously Tascha I have been feeling down and really worn out my thoughts have been worsening but you are strong and I know I can be strong too I just needed you to remind me". She smiled "okay so tell me more about yourself like your favorite music, movies, food, what you do for fun?" I smiled nudging her to tell me all about herself. She looked at me like I was crazy for wanting to know. She really must not get asked this much. I looked at her in anticipation "um okay music lets see you of course! Kelly Clarkson that's a duh! I pretty much listen to anything from Celine Dion to Shania Twain to like Metallica or Beyonce I love all music!" I laughed "me too". She smiled "um lets see scary movies are the best I think they are funny. Those hopeless romantic love stories also a favorite basically anything but I think musicals are my favorite! Anyways food that's tough it is hard to like food my body is all messed up and gets upset a lot, but I have to agree with you that chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is my go too food love it!" I smiled "right so good" she laughed "I um write like a lot anything like songs, stories, that kind of thing. I have good memories of camping and being outside mud bogging and fishing before my uncle died. So I guess anything really". She laughed and threw her beautiful hair back it was long and wavy and framed her face perfectly making her eyes pop even more. I got pulled out of my thoughts as she spoke "anyways thats me" I smiled at her "awesome um I have about an hour before sound check what do you want to do?" I looked at her and held back a small yawn. She smiled at me "you look really tired why don't we just relax or something?" I didn't want to be a bore but I really was tired "okay I turned on my laptop and we started watching music videos on YouTube. I rested my head on Tadcha's shoulder and closed my eyes I felt calm just sitting up against her. She slowly put her arm around me and I snuggled closer. I felt my body relax and fell asleep.

Loved Me Back To Life (Lesbian4Lovato)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ