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         It is April 19th last day of the tour. We are finally on our way into Texas today. God I have missed it so much. I can't wait to see everyone. I looked out the window as we passed the welcome to Texas sign "ahhh we are in Texas guys!" Jul and Tascha sat up and looked out the window "ahhh!" we all screamed. Tascha looked at Jul "can you believe this is happening?" I looked at them as they hugged each other and freaked out. Tascha grabbed me and pulled me into the hug "you two are such lovatics!" They both laughed "you love it!" They are right I do I mean seriously its cute and they make it really hard to think negatively. I sat down on the couch "so are you guys ready to meet my family?" I love teasing them I know they are both freaking out. I smirked at Tascha who looked back at me with panic written all over her face "no I'm not ready Demetria. What if they hate me I mean it's my fault you are hurt and I put you in danger." She started to ramble so I stood up and pulled her up and into my arms "Natascha listen to me okay breath you are going to have a panic attack if you dont calm down." She nodded and took a deep breath "baby I know they are going to love you and it is not your fault that I got hurt that was all me. Look don't worry okay just think about having fun with me." She nodded and barred her face in my neck "I love you Demi." I held her close to me inhaling her sweet sent "I love you too Tascha." She lifted her head and looked into my eyes. I felt myself get lost in her gaze and leaned in closer as did she and our lips crashed. I felt her hands get lost in my hair and I pulled her closer by the waist. I was getting lost in the kiss  "guys I'm still here!" I pulled away and felt my cheeks burn "sorry Jul". She smiled "its okay you guys are cute but it was getting a little heated." Tascha laughed "don't lie Jul you are just jealous". I nudged Tasch "that's not nice Natascha!" She laughed harder then Jul started laughing "don't encourage her Jul". She looked at me "but she's right who doesn't want to kiss Demi Lovato?" I felt my cheeks burn "Jul I was saying your jealous Demi gets to kiss me!" Tascha said with sass as she put her hand on her hip. I couldn't help but laugh at them they are being ridiculous. I started singing Mona Lisa "threesome threesome wanna have a threesome!" They both looked at me smirking okay I thought they were going to laugh. They looked at each other "we're down" I looked at them "you guys are so bad". Tascha looked at me "you started it! You sexually frustrated dirty ass girl of mine." I laughed she knows me I mean come on I can't help it I miss Tascha's body and Jul is gorgeous seriously that would be a nice sandwich. Okay that was bad but I'm a woman I have needs! I looked at Jul and Tascha and gave them my biggest cheesy smile. They smiled back "I can't help it you two are gorgeous!" We all busted up laughing till the bus came to a stop ahhh we are here! I looked at them and smiled then screamed "I'm so excited!" They hugged me and we all screamed in unison "ahhh!" We pulled up to the venue and all looked out the window to see lovatics going crazy. We got out and took some pictures then headed to the dressing room. We were dancing to some loud music getting pumped for the concert. When I felt a tap on my shoulder stopping me. I turned to see Marissa Dallas and Maddie "ahhh I missed you guys so much!" I leaped into them and was surrounded in a group hug. The music turned off and Tascha and Jul stood behind me nervously. I pulled them into the hug. We all pulled away and Dallas spoke first "so this is the emphamis Natascha?" I looked at Tasch who was smiling "you can just call me Tascha". Dallas smiled "okay Tascha well you can call me Dal or whatever I'm just happy to finally meet the girl who makes my baby sister so happy." Tascha smiled "it is so nice to finally meet you as well." Marissa pushed Dallas aside "I'm the best friend you can call me Rissa or Riss." Tascha laughed "trust me I know who you are! I mean that sounded a bit creepy sorry I just meant you're awesome". I smiled then looked at Jul who was hugging Dallas. Maddie looked at me and gave me a thumbs up before tuning to Tascha. I watched as they hugged I'm so happy everyone is getting along. My mom came in holding hands with Eddie and I leaped into her arms "I missed you baby girl!" I squeezed her "I missed you too!" I pulled Tascha away from everyone else and held her hand as she froze up. My mom smiled at us and pulled Tascha into her arms Tascha's smile was seriously so cute. She's fangirling so hard right now. "It is so great to finally meet you sweetheart". My mom squeezed her tighter "I'm so happy to finally meet you" I smiled at them "okay mom stop suffocating my girlfriend!" They both laughed and Tascha pouted at me "I liked being suffocated by your mom she's an amazing hugger must be where you got it". I smiled as my mom stuck her tongue out at me "I love you already Natascha!" She smiled and squeezed my mom once more. I looked at my friends and family and tried to take a mental picture of how perfect this moment was. Tascha is talking with my parents and Maddie Jul is talking with Dallas and Marissa. I was pulled from my thoughts as Max whispered in my ear "what a beautiful picture". Awe Max is the greatest he seems like such a tough guy and he is but he is so caring and amazing I'm so thankful for him. I turn and smile "it sure is beautiful" he hugged me "I'm happy for you". I looked at him "thank you Max" he nodded "I don't want to ruin this for you but you have five minutes then sound check." I nodded "thanks Max" I walked over to the mirror and fixed up my hair and makeup. Tascha walked up behind me and put her arms around my waist "you know you don't need any makeup right? You are flawless Demi". I turned in her arms and kissed her lips "thanks gorgeous" she pecked my lips "it's just the truth". I felt my cheeks burn "God I love you Tascha you know that right?" She nodded then kissed me sweetly. I didn't want to leave the moment but its show tome and I'm excited to play for my home town. We all headed out for soundcheck Tascha went and sat with my family and Jul and I did our thing. The concert was amazing the crowed had welcome home signs and I gave them all I had. My voice is practically gone but I had a blast.         

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