Loving You Again

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Loving You Again

Yesterday was great I missed my family so much, spending the day just relaxing at home with all of them was what I needed after all that has happened. Today though is going to be all about Tascha. I want her to feel loved and give her a perfect day. I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt Tascha kiss my cheek “good morning beautiful”. I smiled and pulled her on top of me and kissed her lips “good morning gorgeous girlfriend of mine”. She laughed “well someone’s in a great mood”. I poked her nose “you got that right beautiful” she kissed my lips smiling into the kiss. I pulled away and smiled “okay so go get in the shower I have some things planned today. It is our day just you and me babe.” She smiled “really?” I nodded my head “yes now go get in the shower sexy”. She smirked “why don't you join me?” I bit my lip she has no idea how badly I would love to join her but I can’t. I shook my head no “sorry baby I have to make some calls and I am going to make you breakfast while you shower.” She pouted out her bottom lip “you are going to cook? Why don't we save this house from being burnt down and I just have you for breakfast instead?” Oh my god why does she say things like that? I cleared my throat “Tascha! I am very capable of cooking and I can’t join you even though I really want too. I need to make some phone calls so please stop making this so hard and go shower.” She looked at me and then slowly slid down her shorts and threw them at me. Then she proceeded to take off her shirt with an evil grin on her face knowing all too well what she’s doing to me. She turned away and walked into the bathroom thank god one more second of looking at her body I would have broken and then we would have spent the entire day here. I got up and called the places and people I needed to so everything could go as I planned. I walked into the kitchen and found a note ‘Descha have a wonderful day I went to Marissa’s house and will be staying the night over there. Love Jul’ I smiled Marissa and Jul are acting like they have grown up together. I started cooking and thankfully didn’t have any problems. I was finishing up when I felt a pair of hands on my waist that slowly wrapped around me I smiled and leaned back into Tascha’s body. She kissed the side of my neck “wow you didn’t burn anything down good job baby”. I turned around in her arms and acted like I was going to kiss her then licked her face and ran around the table. She screamed and chased after me “I just showered you are so going to get it miss Demetria!” I stopped and let her catch me she pouted “you are not supposed to just give up brat!” I laughed “well I don't want to burn your breakfast. I ate as I cooked so you eat up while I shower then we can have our Descha day”. She nodded and sat at the table as I gave her all the food I made her. She smiled and kissed my lips “thank you baby” I smiled “you are welcome beautiful”. When I was finally ready we headed to our first destination. I grabbed Tascha's hand and walked her out to my car. I opened her door then walked to the drivers side. I got in and looked at my angel she smiled "I love you Demi". I kissed her lips "I love you too beautiful". I started the car and Tascha turned on the radio and we sang along to talk dirty to me. I love Tascha's in the car dance moves. I laughed as she rapped 2 chainz part of the song. The radio edits it but Tascha doesn't. She pointed at me "sold out arenas you can suck my V" she made a V with her hands and pointed down to her lap and we both busted up laughing. She put her hand on my thigh "I got her saved in my phone under big booty!" She squeezed my thigh I laughed. I grabbed her hand "okay my little sexy rap artist we are here." I stopped outside the little cafe "okay first date we never had when people meet its always we should get coffee sometime so Tascha lets get coffee sometime like now". I looked at her nervous that she thought this idea was stupid. She smiled "you are so cute Demi I love you." She leaned over to me and kissed my lips softly. I smiled and got out of the car and ran to her side to open the door for her. I took her hand in mine and led her into the coffee shop we got our drinks and made our way to the back luckily it wasn't crowded. We sat down and I took Tascha's hand across the table. I looked into her eyes "you are so beautiful I am so lucky to have met you". She squeezed my hand "Demi seriously I'm the lucky one". We drank our coffees then headed outside I had Tascha's hand in mine and she was leaning her head on my shoulder as we walked. I walked past my car and Tascha stopped "Demi that was your car back there". I smiled "I know we don't need it just trust me." She relaxed again and we continued walking till we got to the Texas botanical garden. We walked in and Tascha stopped me and kissed my lips quickly "this is beautiful!" I walked towards my favorite spot that I had reserved just for us to view. I opened the door to the enclosed room full of butterflies and beautiful flowers I turned as I heard Tascha gasp. She smiled at me with the look in her eye that little kids get when they unwrap presents on Christmas morning. I pulled her through to the bench in the middle of it all. Tascha sat looking at me “this is amazing you are amazing” I smiled “well only amazing will do for my baby.” She kissed my lips softly and smiled onto my lips making me smile. We continued to kiss for a while losing track of time and just enjoying each other. For once we had no agenda nothing we had to hurry to do everything else for the day is free and easy because I planned it to be that way. We took a few pictures together with the butterflies all around us and uploaded a few to instagram and twitter. Then I guided her outside to the picnic I had arranged for us. She looked at me and smiled as we sat on the blanket under a huge tree. I pulled out the fruit first I smirked as I held a grape to Tascha's lips "open up baby". She opened her mouth and I slowly fed her some grapes. She looked at the other fruit and grabbed a strawberry and held it up to my lips "your turn sugar". I smirked at her then opens my mouth and took a bite she smiled "I want to taste" then she crashed her lips on mine "Mmm" she hummed into my mouth as our lips moved in sync. I pulled away feeling lightheaded from her sweetness. She smiled then we continued eating. I laid down full and happy and pulled Tascha into my side. I looked up into the beautiful blue sky and pointed at a cloud "that one looks like a heart". Tascha pointed to a different one "yeah and that one looks like a bunny". I scanned the sky and saw one that really caught my eye. I pointed at it "that one looks like a baby I love babies I can't wait to start a family!" I watched Tascha eager to get a reaction she smiled and looked into my eyes "I can't wait for little baby Demi's to be running around!" I let out the breath I was holding in "so you do want to have kids one day?" I asked nervously "Demi everyone knows having a family is important to you and even though it terrifies me I know its so worth it to see you happy and really that's all that matters to me." I kissed her cheek "wait what part terrifies you?" She looked down nervous "um the whole thing I mean I'm great with kids I love them but what if I fuck them up or something? The thing that scares me most is actually being pregnant and giving birth." I grabbed her hand "those are normal things Tasch" she nodded her head. I kissed the top of her head "lets talk about that later I just want to enjoy this day with you okay?" She looked at me "okay I love you Demi thank you for being amazing". I kissed her lips and smiled at her "I love you too my beautiful girl." We laid back down and continued to watch the clouds. When clouds and sky began to get darker I said "how bout we go before it rains beautiful?" Tascha laughed "why are you scared of the rain miss Lovato?" I laughed "me scared of rain? Pft please I will play in the rain all day girl." She laughed and rolled on top of me "oh really? I might take you up on that because I love the rain." I kissed her lips "fine by me baby" she sat up "but maybe later cause I don't have a change of clothes and I have no clue what else you have planned so lets go". She pulled me off the ground and we headed out. I'm excited to take her to our next destination. I asked Sue and Jul what Tascha loves doing and well I reserved the skate land and amazing Jake's and also the trampoline warehouse so we can act like kids. When we arrived at skateland Tascha's smile exploded onto her face "DEMI!" She removed her seatbelt and leaped over to me kissing me excitedly. I laughed "lets go sweet cheeks!" We hopped out of the car and Tascha grabbed my hand and twirled me around "I have the best girlfriend ever!" I love seeing her so happy! I opened the door and they gave us our skates I gave them a playlist for our music. Then Tascha and I headed out to the roller rink she took both my hands and glided out onto the floor with me. They started the playlist and Tascha smiled and pulled me close to her as we slowed down and kissed me then sped up and pulled me along with her she's a speed demon and a really good one. Our playlist ended and I pulled Tascha away from the floor and over to the benches "Demi I don't know what can be better than this?" I laughed "don't doubt me I am queen D remember?" She laughed and we headed out to amazing Jake's first we grabbed some snacks. What kid doesn't like junk food we got pizza soda candy and ice cream to get us on a sugar high which worked. We took off hand in hand. I looked at Tascha "what do you want to do first?" She smiled and pointed at the go carts. Of course she's addicted to speed and racing. She ran to the red car so I got in the black one. I yelled "I'm gonna smoke your little ass!" She laughed "please I'd like to see you try!" We sat at the start line and I stuck my tongue out at her before the flag dropped and we took off. I tried I really tried but she smoked me she's crazy. She was going around the corners without slowing down. She walked up to meeting as I got out of my car. She smacked my ass "I so got you bad!" Ugh she's going to hold that over me. I pulled her towards the bumper cars and this time I got the red one. She may be good at racing but bumper cars is my game I got her so many times. Tascha pouted so I pulled her over to the small rides. I pulled her close and kissed her as we started to spin. There's that smile again I can't stand to see my baby pouting. Next we played some arcade games I got way more tickets than her but she stole them from me not like I wasn't going to ask what she wanted from the prize Booth. We got silly shit and then headed to the miniature put put golf thing. I made up a game where every time one of us hits the golf ball off the course we have to kiss. We started off pretty good but half way through we were just making out. We pulled back short on breath and laughed as we both realized we suck at golfing. I grabbed Tascha and pulled her over to the bowling and we played a few rounds. Tascha doesn't bowl like normal though. She holds the ball off to her right side and kind of throws it which looks hilarious but actually works. Of course at first she asked me to show her how to really bowl so I could stand behind her which was great but she learned nothing. I didn't mind though I kind of love the way she bowls she sticks her ass out and the best part is when she throws it I mean she has just an 8 lbs ball but it practically takes her down the lane it's so cute. Tascha's arm started to hurt so we headed to the trampoline warehouse. It was now about eight o'clock so we were kinda tired by the time we got to the trampolines. We jumped around for a while then laid down for a bit. Tascha was laying on top of me when I got an idea. I smirked "wanna play a game?" She laughed "if its anything like the last one sure". I rolled her over so I was on top "okay I'm going to call it kiss of dominance". She laughed and I explained it "so basically we fight to get on top and then the person on top has to kiss the other as long as possible without getting flipped to bottom." Tascha nodded and quickly flipped me over and started to kiss me. I let her for a couple of minutes then the real fun began as we were rolling all over kissing and laughing. This game is way better than the other one I came up with. We left there laughing and just as we made it back home it started pouring. We ran around the back of the carport and to the side gate I entered the code and we ran to the guest house laughing we threw our stuff inside. Then I grabbed Tascha and pulled her out into the rain and danced with her. I held her body close to mine slowly swaying us back and forth I kissed her lips softly and just savored the moment. The way her lips tasted with the rain dripping off them how her hair gets wavy when its wet and how she gets goosebumps as I run my hand down her arm as I kiss her. I started to feel her shiver and pulled away "come on lets go get warm so we don't get sick." She nodded "I am going to go to the bathroom real quick you change out of those wet clothes and then I'll come warm you up." I winked at her and she blew me a kiss. I walked into the bathroom and put on the new red lace nightgown and my sexy black bra and underwear.  

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