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Today is July 1st and we are going to the doctor. I really want to try all the new ways for couples like us to have babies of our own. Tascha looks extremely nervous she's not even singing along with the radio she always does that. I reached my hand over to her hand that was resting on her leg. She looked up over at me as I drove. I squeezed her hand gently "I love you always no matter what, you know that right?" She leaned over as we sat at a red light and kissed my cheek "yes Dems and I love you too baby".

       We arrived at the office and Tascha squeezed my hand. I lightly kissed her and got out to get her door knowing she was not going to get out on her own. She took my hand immediately. We waited for what felt like forever. Tascha and I sat across from the doctor as he smiled. He moved some folders on his desk "so how are you two lovely ladies doing?" I knew Tascha's speaking skills were comprised at the moment so I smiled "pretty good". He smiled back "alright so which one of you ladies wants to carry?" I felt Tascha stiffen next to me so I quickly said "I do". He looked at me and said okay well according to your charts you are in great health but there is one condition for you." I sighed "I know I have to take it easy. Right?" He nodded and I looked at Tascha "looks like you get to pamper me after all." She loosened her grip on my hand and let a smile slip across her face. The doctor laughed "okay so do you ladies want to get a sperm donor or are you going to try some of our new methods of using both your DNA?" I looked at my beautiful baby and then back to the doctor "do I seriously need to answer that do you see this girl she is gorgeous I want our kids to be ours." Tascha smiled more and kissed my hand she finally started relaxing thank god. Doctors offices, hospitals, talking about babies its all just a lot for her and I completely understand after all that's happened. The doctor nodded and said "well I will try everything in my power to help you two and I do agree your kids will be adorable with both your genes. So lets get the process started". We nodded and he gave us prescriptions to get our hormones where they needed to be then scheduled appointments.

When we got home I picked Tascha up and swung her around and kissed her. She laughed and said "I love you too Demi!" I smiled and laid her down on the couch. I looked deep into her sparkling eyes as I laid on top of her. I kissed her with all I had and held her in my arms until we both fell asleep.

        The next morning

I woke up alone in bed making me automatically frown. I grabbed my phone to see a text that read..

'Good morning Gorgeous!! Btw Stop frowning beautiful girl you have a face for a smile you know. Anyways Im just at work but I need you to take a shower and put on the dress that's in the closet in a white bag. Your driver will text you at noon to pick you up to meet me okay now get your beautiful ass out of bed and drink the the breakfast shake I made you its in the fridge and then get in the shower sexy see you soon love you Demi<3'

I smiled and ran into the closet to see this adorable white sun dress classy but simple like Kelly Clarkson's wedding dress which is probably why Tascha picked it she knows how much I loved that dress. I held it up to me and looked into the mirror and smiled. Then I ran down the stairs and drank my shake while watching spongebob. I yelled "Im ready Im ready Im ready!" as I ran up the stairs. I hopped in the shower and couldn't help but to sing. I did my hair curling it just slightly. I did my makeup natural and slipped into my dress. I twirled around for a minute then snapped a picture and posted it to twitter with the caption 'Love my new dress doesn't my baby have excellent taste!' I got a bunch of complements and smiled as I went down stairs which was perfect timing as my driver texted as soon as I got to the last step. I walked outside to see a limo and gasped what does she have planned? I smiled at Dan my driver and he smiled back and before I could ask he spoke "no I cannot tell you where we are going. Sorry bosses orders." I folded my arms trying to pout but he just laughed "Demi you will know soon enough". I threw my arms up "okay okay". The drive seemed kinda long but I was stalking my lovatics which always passes the time fast. The car stopped suddenly and my door opened. I stepped out to see a path of roses and followed it. I am pretty sure Im in a garden or something and it is so beautiful. There are these big shady trees on both sides of the path I'm walking. Then all the different flowers gosh it reminds me of the Texas botanical garden I took Tascha too but it had like a country barn feel to it as I got closer to this huge open field of sunflowers. The rose peddles stopped and there was a note on the ground. I smiled at Taschas adorable handwriting 'hey beautiful look up' so of course I did. My mouth fell open and I could feel the tears rushing over me the emotions took over as I read the words freshly spelled out in the sky.

'Demetria Devonne Lovato will you marry me?'

I felt someone grab my hand and looked down to see my beautiful wonderful amazing girlfriend on one knee in a similar white dress. She smiled at me and said "Demi will you spend the rest of your life with me? Will you please do me the honor of marring you right here right now?" I couldn't take it any longer as I collapsed into her arms quickly connecting our lips in a kiss and mumbling "yes". I pulled pack and screamed out "yes oh my god yes!" She held my hand steady as she slipped the most beautiful diamond ring onto my finger it shined in the sunlight. I kissed her again and then heard cheers and congratulations. I looked around to see all our friends and family walking out of the sunflower field smiling at us.

Loved Me Back To Life (Lesbian4Lovato)Where stories live. Discover now