A Little While Longer

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    I felt the sun on my face and fluttered my eyes open. I looked at the time 6:25 ugh I hate when I wake up just minutes before my alarm. I looked at my sleeping beauty and held her close to me. I looked over her beautiful features her wavy brown hair fell around her face. Her lips slightly apart allowing her to breath almost silently. I brushed some of her hair back and lightly kissed her neck then her jaw line she let out a small "Mmm". I smiled and then kissed her little spot behind her ear "good morning my gorgeous girlfriend". She turned in my arms to face me and opened her eyes to reveal those crystal blue orbs. She smiled and kissed my lips "good morning my love" she replied back. I just want to stay here all day, but we can't we have a flight to catch. I looked at my sleepy sweetheart and sighed “are you okay Demi?" She asked with a concerned face “just tired and wishing we could stay here all day”. She smiled at me and kissed my lips softly "come on gorgeous" she said while sitting up. I yawned and stretched out as I sat up next to her I wrapped my arm around her. She turned her head to face me and giggled "you are so cute in the mornings Demi" I leaned in and gave her a sweet morning kiss. I pulled away smiling and pulled her up onto her feet “alright lets get this show on the road!” She said as she walked towards her bags “okay okay” I walked to my pile of clothes or as Tascha calls it my mess and started packing up. Tascha finished and jumped in the shower while I finished packing. I hate packing to unpack again “Take me away a secret place a sweet escape take me away” I smiled as I heard her belt it out in the shower  and began to sing along "I gotta pocketful of sunshine I gotta love and I know that its all mine". The door opened to the bathroom and she walked out in just a towel. Can she not "your turn babe" she said as she winked at me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her she looked back at me and I forced myself to look down. "Demi I know you were staring and oh my God you suck at packing". I looked at her and stuck my tongue out "it's not my fault" she laughed "oh sure, go take a shower I'll finish up". I stood up and kissed her she smiled into my kiss then pulled away. She walked past me and dropped her towel "Damn!" She pulled a shirt over her head covering her perfect body "stop drooling and go take a shower!" Why did she have to do that God "fine but it would be so much better if we started showering together". She smiled "Mmm Hmm true statement, but that will have to be another day, now go". I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I got in the shower and quickly scrubbed my body and hair. I got out and realized there was no towel. I walked out of the bathroom with nothing "oh my God can you not!" I heard as I felt Tascha stare. I walked over to the towel she laid over the chair and started drying off "you took the only towel". She laughed "sorry not sorry" she walked over to me and kissed my lips "I laid out your clothes for you babe" I smiled and kissed her cheek "thank you babe". I walked over to the bed where she laid out a white t-shirt leather pants and a leather jacket she knows me. I started getting dressed and felt her staring at me "like what you see?" I turned to face her now with just my panties and bra she walked towards me and kissed my lips roughly "Mmm Hmm". I kissed her back and pulled away slowly "I love you" she smiled "I love you too".

       We arrived in Arizona two days before we were going to originally. We set it up to where my bus would arrive later and we privately flew in. Our plan worked which is surprising. There was no detection of my presence I am so happy. We rented a car and Tascha drove. I tried to get Max to let us go alone but he is ridiculous. So he followed along in a car behind us with his wife. I flew her out as well so he would be preoccupied with her not us. Tascha interrupted my thoughts "ahh we are in Payson which means were almost there!" I laid my hand on Tascha's thigh "I am so happy right now Tasch!" She smiled wider "me too" I rubbed her thigh lightly teasing her. She looked at me "I love you babe" I smiled "I love you too". I moved my hand up to the edge of her shorts she cleared her throat "DEMI!" She squealed making me giggle "what?" I asked innocently while tugging on her shorts. She grabbed my hand "I'm trying to drive and not kill us!" She is so cute I love her "yes but you wont be driving later" I winked at her. She squeezed my hand "seriously stop woman your distracting the driver!" Oh my God she is trying so hard to be serious "oh am I?" She nodded her head "yes very!" I squeezed her thigh "how exactly?" She let go of my hand and reached over to my knee. Mmm she ran her hand up my leg quickly not taking her eyes off the road. I squeezed her thigh as she rubbed my inner thigh. Oh my God can we just get to this cabin already! My phone started going off making me jump it was Max's wife Lily so I answered "hello?" Tascha squeezed my thigh making me squeal I brushed Tascha's hand off. "Demi are you there?" I cleared my throat "yes sorry", she giggled "its fine we were just wondering what you two were going to do for dinner". I looked at Tascha who was butting her lip. "Um Tascha planed everything and isn't telling me, give me a sec". I looked at Tascha "Lily is asking about dinner". She smiled "tell them to follow us to the property so they know where it is then I'll give them directions to get dinner." I nodded and repeated the message and hung up. I looked at Tascha and smirked "are we there yet?" She laughed and pointed down the road "see that building?" I looked "yes", "that's the beginning of Heber so almost". I smiled and clapped my hands "I'm so excited!"

         We pulled into this driveway that had a cabin on each side. They were beautiful with giant windows. The forest surrounding them just made me gasp. Tascha grabbed my hand "what do you think?" I looked at Tascha like are you kidding me "its beautiful!" She kissed my lips lightly then got out and ran around to my side. The second she opened the door I was hit with the overwhelming fresh air. I took a huge breath and Tascha smiled and hugged me. Max and Lily walked over Tascha pointed to the cabin on the left. "That ones your Guy's and here is a list of all the places to eat and how to get there." She is so organized and always has everything all planned out I love that.  They smiled and said "thank you" Tascha smiled "no problem". They grabbed their bags and took them to their cabin. We grabbed our things and headed for our cabin. When we walked in I couldn't believe how perfect it was. All the wood detailed and beautiful tall sealing. Tascha led me up the stairs to the loft where there was a queen size bed, with a canopy over it like in my give your heart a break music video. God Tascha went all out we put our stuff down and Tascha walked over to me. She took both my hands in hers "what do you think?" I smiled "It's all so perfect I love it!" She put my arms around her waist and put her arms around my neck. She leaned in and kissed me her lips full of desire and passion. She slowly pulled away "I called ahead and had someone I know in town buy us groceries so why don't I make us some dinner?" I gave her a quick Peck "okay but I get to help". Then I took off down the stars. She laughed and chased me I ran into the kitchen and jumped up on the counter she came in seconds later. She walked up to me and I spread my legs and wrapped them around her and pulled her close. I wrapped my hands around the back of her neck and kissed her. She smiled into my kiss and pulled away "what do you want for dinner sugar?" I thought about it for a second "how about salad you know something quick and easy". She smirked "okay but we are taking our time with desert". She winked at me God I want desert now! I nodded my head then jumped off the counter and started grabbing things out of the fridge. I started to hum as I chopped up carrots and Tascha walked up behind me swaying my hips with hers. I turned in her arms and fed her a piece of carrot. She smiled and started to twirl me around the kitchen. I spun her around and kissed her lightly. We ate and cleaned up a bit then headed back up stairs. I'm getting nervous God what if I suck at this? What if this ruins everything like it has in the past? I was pulled out of my thoughts “Demi are you sure I mean we don't have to if you’re not ready.” She held my hand “Tascha I have wanted to do this since I laid my eyes on you I am just a little scared I’ll suck or that this will ruin everything.” It is so easy to talk to her I mean that just spilt out. She kissed my lips lightly “you are perfect and nothing could ruin how much I love you I am not going to leave you Demi.” She knows exactly what to say to me it is ridiculous. She smirked as she slapped my ass “now go change sexy! So I can show you how much I love you.”

Hello my loves so how do y'all like the story so far? PLEASE vote and comment I am open to suggestions and would love to read your guys stuff to get my brain juices flowing so hit me up!!!

XOXO DeschaVato

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