A Little While

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Approximately 2 weeks later March 19th,

   Tascha has been amazing she has been singing and dancing with me at my concerts. My lovatics are onto us but I don't even care. She makes me happy so anyone who doesn't like it can ignore it. She hasn't met my family yet at the moment we are just enjoying being with each other on this tour.

      "You are my forever love, you are my forever love, from the bottom of my heart I'll sing to you, from the depths of who I am, I love you, with everything inside I run to you, cause all that I've become I owe to you." I woke up to Tascha singing in the kitchen and that's when I smelled the blueberry muffins. I smiled as I got up and walked to the miniature kitchen of our hotel room. She was mixing a bowl of eggs and swaying her hips. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. She leaned into me and continued to sway and sing she turned around "you are my forever love". She kissed my lips and smiled as she said "good morning gorgeous!" I smiled "well good morning to you too my sunshine, you sure are happy". She laughed and poked my nose "I sure am we are going to Arizona tomorrow! I haven't been to Heber in so long babe I can't wait!" Oh my gosh she is so cute when she's excited "I can't wait Tascha" I matched her excitement. She squeezed me closer to her I kissed her smiling "so what is for breakfast beautiful?" I kissed her nose "well I have blueberry muffins and Turkey Bacon I was starting on the eggs when you snuck up on me" she poked my side. I smiled "Mmm yummy thanks baby" she smiled "you are more than welcome beautiful". I walked to the fridge and pulled out apple juice and set it on the table. Tascha brought the eggs over and we sat down. Everything tasted amazing I seriously haven’t had this much good food in so long. She has been cooking every chance she gets for me the past few weeks. We cleaned up and I picked Tascha up and took her to the bedroom I put her down and kissed her lips "get dressed" I smacked her ass and walked to my suitcase. I felt hands on my ass and turned to see Tascha in just her bra and panties I smirked "Tascha we don't have time to fool around go get dressed". She got close to my ear brushing her lips across my skin. I gasped "but we will have time when we get to Heber" she turned and started getting dressed. I don't know how much longer I can resist her! I got dressed and we left Max was waiting for us in the hall. He smiled at us, last week he caught us making out in my dressing room and is actually being really cool about it. Him and Tascha have been getting closer, he is acting like he acts around Marissa with her. I am so happy if he likes her my family will as well. I grabbed Tascha’s hand "you two ready?" He asked and we both nodded we headed to the suv and left for the venue. I put on my best kid voice "Maxy can we get Starbucks on the way?" He laughed at me and then said "I don't know Taschy did Demi eat all of her breakfast?" Tascha laughed "yep she was a good girl" she patted my leg. I laughed out hysterically, these two are ridiculous I love them. Max put on a thinking face "I don't know" I pouted "please please please!" He laughed "awe pouty Demi how precious". I folded my arms across my chest and pretended to be upset. Tascha rubbed my leg “awe Max she deserves her starbucks” he smiled “oh alright” I perked up and clapped my hands together “thank you thank you thank you!” We all busted out laughing and Max said “we are weirdos” I looked at him “fuck yes we are!” Tascha laughed but Max didn’t “DEMETRIA!” I laughed “oh please Max you cuss all the time!” He smirked “you got me” Tascha laughed “that means we get coffee and tea!” He smiled “fine” Tascha smiled wide “YES!” We got our coffees and teas then arrived at the venue.

         The concert was awesome as usual! We were finishing the last song when I almost fell but Tascha caught me. The crowd started chanting for us to kiss both Tascha and I just laughed and finished. We ran backstage and I kissed her lips smiling "thanks for catching me" she smiled "my arms are always here to catch you". She grabbed my hand and we skipped down the halls giving high fives to the crew. When we were close to the dressing room I pretended to fall and fell on her pushing us both up against the door. She laughed and then held me closer to her "maybe I should just keep you in my arms all the time so you don't fall". I laughed then crashed my lips on hers "Mmm Hmm sounds good to me". She poked my nose "yes it does". She pushed me up against the door and kissed me passionately. I opened the door and we made our way to the couch without breaking our kiss. I pushed her down and stradled her lap "your dancing tonight has got me so hot" I said smirking. She smiled innocently "more like you've got me all hot". I kissed her lips again I slipped my tongue inside her sweet mouth. She fuaght for dominance and lost. She ran her hands down my body. I tangled my fingers in her hair and she squeezed my ass. I pushed my body against hers she moaned as I continued to grind on her and explore her mouth. I felt her hand move up under my shirt "Descha! Knock knock hello in there girls". I sighed and stood up I kissed Tascha's lips one more time. Then walked to the door and opened it to see Max tapping his foot "took you long enough" he smirked. He looked me up and down and I realized my clothes were all ruffled up. I straightend my shirt and fixed my hair Tascha walked up behind me wrapping her arms around my waist. She rested her head on my shoulder "are you two ready for dinner?" I don't want dinner I want Tascha I looked at Max and said "I guess". We walked out to the truck to leave and I rested my head on Tascha's shoulder. She put her hand on my thigh and lightly rubbed it. Then she whispered in my ear "I love you baby". I kissed her neck softly "and I love you too" I put my hand on hers and played with her fingers. She laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes I rested my head on hers. Max cleared his throat “you girls can't fall asleep yet”, I lifted up my head “but Maxie” I pouted. He glanced at me through the mirror “today was a long day and you didn’t get lunch you are going to eat dinner and we are almost there.” I sighed and looked at Tascha she still had her eyes closed her eyelashes are so long. I rubbed my thumb across the top of her hand and just watched her lay on my shoulder peacefully “Dem I know you're staring at me”. I felt my cheeks burn "well I can't help it" she smiled "dork" I giggled "yep I'm your dork". She opened her tired eyes and looked at me smiling I smiled as I kissed her lips softly. She kissed me back slowly and softly she is drained. I pulled away and laid her head on my shoulder. I don't think she's used to this whole experience yet "Max how bout we go through the drive through somewhere I promise to eat. Tascha is too tired to feed herself I'll have to hand feed her." He sighed "I guess that would be okay". I smiled "thanks Maxy". We got food and arrived shortly after to the hotel I wanted to carry Tascha but the paps were all over so Max carried her. He sat her down on the couch "thank you Max". He hugged me "goodnight Demi see you in the morning". I nodded "goodnight" I took out the food and gave Tascha a bite of food then took a bite. She is so tired my poor baby we finished and I picked Tascha up off the couch and set her on the bed. I took off her pants and jacket then did the same for myself. I helped Tascha lay down fully and cuddled right up to her. I kissed the back of her neck and fell asleep with her in my arms.

Hi my beautiful readers!!!! Sorry that this is so short but at least its something. Anyways please remember to vote and comment!!!! If you want a follow just comment I love following others on here so many creative people serioisly!! BTW I am going to have more time soon so if any of you have Demi fanfics or any good stories I am so down to read them just hit me up so I can connect with y'all!

Lots of Love


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