Moving Forward

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Today Tascha and I are finally all settled in to the new place. Julie is all moved in with James and all I want to do is spend my days relaxing with all of them. Unfortunately I have had really long days at the studio. Tascha has also been busy with work which makes quality time hard. We haven't had a night out like in forever. I was pulled from my thoughts as Max spoke "Demi we are here come on". I looked out the window to the studio and sighed. I love making music I love this place I just hate coming here for meetings. Especially when I miss my girlfriend and its early as fuck. Seriously days when I don't get to have breakfast with my baby are never as good as they could be if I could have just had breakfast with her. I got out of the car and walked into the meeting room and sat down sipping my tea. I let out a yawn as we started. The meeting seemed to last forever as we went over song choices schedules picture and God I don't even know what else. I looked at my lock screen and smiled as I remembered the cute kiss Tascha was giving me for the picture. Her lips are so soft and I love how perfectly they fit with mine. I love the way her wavy brown hair always looks messy because my hands are always in it. I unlocked my phone as my manager went on about which songs I wanted to drop and have music videos for. I looked at my beautiful wallpaper and just stared into my baby's big beautiful blue eyes God they hypnotize me. Her smile making them even brighter. I love how pink her little cute cheeks got when I whispered God I'm so lucky to have you gorgeous in her ear before kissing her cheek and snapping the picture. She is my life and all I can think about I miss her ugh how much longer is this meeting? I looked up hearing my name and nodded to whatever they were saying.

I was finally on my way home after re recording a few songs again and again I can't help but to make sure that my songs are perfect. I am so tired I texted Tascha that I was on my way home and she instantly replied with ‘see you soon beautiful’. I smiled that means shes actually home and awake! The car pulled up and I hopped out and thanked Max before hurrying into meet my beautiful girlfriend with a kiss. I opened the door and there she was instantly with that sweet smile she went to grab my bag but I just dropped it and wrapped my arms around her and kissed her sweet pink lips. She smiled into my kiss and pulled back “well welcome home baby I missed you too”. She smiled at me and pulled off my coat and put my purse on the table. She took my hand and lead me into the kitchen to see my favorite food and candles. I smiled "awe babe you are so sweet! I love you so much!" She kissed me lightly before picking me up to set me on the counter. I smiled even bigger God she is perfect. I wrapped my legs around her waist and put my arms around her neck "you are the most amazing girlfriend ever!" Then I squeezed my legs tighter around her and pressed my lips firmly against hers she rubbed my thighs as I pulled her hair. Unfortunately Before we could really get heated a timer went off and she turned her attention to the food. I took a piece of carrot out of the salad next to me and slipped it into my mouth. Tascha turned to me and smiled "you hungry beautiful?" I popped another carrot in my mouth and nodded my head. She brought a little pasta over to me she blew on it and put it close to my lips and I looked at her as I slipped the pasta off with my tongue trying to be as sexy as possible. She smirked at me her blue orbs filling with lust. Then she did it she looked down and in a flash straight back up and locked her eyes with mine as she bit her lip smirking. She knows what that does to me god how am I supposed to eat the beautiful meal she has made when all I can think about is eating her. She stepped closer and whispered "I know I wanna eat you too babe". She squeezed my thighs I couldn't hold back my moan "Mmm". She smirked "but baby you gotta eat real food first". I pouted out my lip and she instantly kissed me sucking on my bottom lip. She moved her hands up my thighs "Mmm Ta-ascha". She bit my lip as she pulled away "okay dinner now baby". Oh my god she is so sexy ugh she kills me! She grabbed a fork and made a plate with all the good stuff on it. She stood infront of me and said "open up beautiful". I wrapped my legs around her waist and opened my mouth letting her slip the food in my mouth. It's amazing how she can make eating so easy I don't have to think when she feeds me and she makes me feel beautiful. I took the fork out of her hand and fed her. We took turns feeding each other and just got lost in the moment having together time. I looked into her eyes those perfect orbs of crystal blue staring back at me then kissed her lips softly "thank you for dinner babe you are so amazing." She smiled and brushed my hair out of my face then rested one hand on my neck and the other on my thigh her sweet lips lightly brushed mine as she whispered "anything for you baby girl".

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