Pass In Time

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It has been 3 weeks since Julie and I convinced Tascha to see a therapist and she has been going every week. She is getting a bit better but her mood swings are killing me! My eyes shot open as the sound of someone throwing up  rang through my ears making me shoot out of bed and run towards the sound. I ran into the bathroom to find Tascha on the floor clutching her stomach bent over the toilet throwing up. This has been my alarm clock now since monday and its is thursday! This has gone on far too long. I moved her hair and could feel the sweat on the back of her neck. I rubbed her back as she finished and helped her up to wash out her mouth. I grabbed a wash cloth and ran cool water over it and wrung it out. Then helped Tascha back to bed and put the rag on her forehead she is burning up. I grabbed my phone and called my mom and by the time I hung up Julie was already holding Tascha’s hand. I had Julie get her a bottle of water, crackers and a bowel incase she has to throw up again. World knows I am sick a lot I kind of have it down what to do now. By the time mom walked in Tascha was having severe cramps and was curled up on the bed with her head tucked into my side. She was sobbing and breathing heavy as she was shaking in my arms. This is much worse then yesterday I mean every morning it has just been a throwing up once and then being fine. My mom took her temperature even though I can feel perfectly well she has a fever. My mom looked at me concerned "we need to go to a hospital." I nodded "Tascha I'm gonna pick you up." She nodded slightly I picked her up trying to be gentle "och! No no no fuck put me down!” I looked at her and saw the tears streaming down her face I hate this she is in pain and I can't do anything! I held her lighter in my arms and she gave me a look that scared me it was like she was done her eyes were darker then I have ever seen them. I kissed her forehead and whispered “be strong” I looked at her and sighed as she closed her eyes tight I know she is in so much pain. “I’m sorry baby I am so sorry” I walked outside and the first step down made her scream “FUCK OUCH”. I carefully but hurriedly rushed to the suv and got in with her and held her to me as my dad drove with everyone in the car. I love that my family already loves Tascha and cares so much about her. I ran my fingers through her hair and hummed softly. We arrived at the hospital and the second I got her in the door she dug her nails into my back and thats when I almost slipped on something wet on the floor it was only when a nurse rushed over with a wheelchair that I realized I almost slipped on Tascha's blood. What is happening here what is wrong with my baby? I went to put Tascha in the chair and she clung to me “Don't leave me” I took her hand “never”. She released her death grip on my shoulder and dug her nails into the arm of the wheelchair. Then Tascha went limp and I watched helplessly as she fainted I looked at the nurse “She has been throwing up this week every morning but today she got sharp pain and is burning up what is wrong with her please help her”. The nurse looked at me “is it possible she is pregnant?” I felt my heart break “it could be possible she was raped over 6 weeks ago.” The nurse nodded and then called for help and I ran to follow but was stopped by a different nurse “I am sorry miss her condition is not stable we have to take her to surgery.” I fell to my knees not again seriously why her why I mean seriously what is it this time? I felt my dads arms wrap around me as he pulled me off the cold hard floor and set me in a chair. I felt my mom grab my hand and thats when I lost it and the tears started to pour out of me. I hate not knowing what is wrong and not being able to do anything about it. I dug my face in my moms shoulder and just sobbed as the time ticked away. I cried for a good 30 minutes and finally pulled myself together enough to not run out of air from sobbing. I looked at Julie who was crying as Dallas held her like she used to hold me she really is the best big sister I could ever ask for. I took Julie’s hand and sat there not saying a word. The noises of the busy emergency room echoed in my ears and my eyes stung from all the crying so I closed my eyes and prayed I need her to be okay. I watched the clock as another 30 minutes ticked by and another. God its almost been 2 hours I can't take this I need to know what's going on. Finally I heard her name “family of miss Montgomery” I bolted out of my chair and darted towards the doctor “can I see her is she okay what happened?” I looked at him desperately waiting his answers to my questions “yes she is okay. We had to do an emergency laparotomy due to an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured her left fallopian tube. You can all see her now she will need to stay a few days and it may take her a month to fully recover.” I nodded “take me to see her please” he nodded and lead us to her room. She looks so small in these hospital beds god I hate this. I walked over to her side and gently kissed her forehead. I held her hand and felt her grip mine back “Tascha?” I said lightly praying to hear her voice and see those eyes again “Demi?” She whispered I lightly squeezed her hand “yes baby I’m here” she breathed out slowly trying to open her eyes “what happened?” I watched as she opened her eyes slightly trying to adjust to the light “they had to do an emergency surgery you had an ectopic pregnancy where the fetus sticks to your fallopian tube instead of dropping but it ruptured your fallopian tube which is why you fainted.” A tear slipped from her eye as what I said sunk in. I mean we didn't even know she was pregnant this is a lot for someone and she has already been through so much. I whipped away her tears and kissed her cheek "its okay I'm here for you we all are." She pulled me closer "hold me I need you to feel safe". I carefully climbed into the bed beside her. She winced in pain a bit as she cuddled into me. I held her lightly in my arms as everyone said goodbye I stopped Julie "can you bring back some clothes for both of us and like our toothbrushes and stuff please?" She nodded "of course I can". I hugged her "thank you oh and you can just use my car." She looked at me "are you sure?" I smiled and nodded “of course and hey if you want, bring back some movies and watch them with us.” She smiled "sure thing and I know just the movies". She walked out and I looked at my girl. I brushed her hair out of her face "Tascha baby I'm here for you." She looked at me and I could see the mix of emotions written all over her face. Then the tears started to pour out of her as she hid her face in my neck. I held her and lightly rubbed her back. I hummed to her and felt her sobs lessen "I love you so much Demi". I pulled back and whipped away her tears and kissed her cheeks "I love you too baby girl and I am here to take care of you." She looked at me straight in the eyes making me get lost in those crystal blue orbs. She brushed my dark hair behind my ears "you are so absolutely stunning Demi". She leaned in and lightly pressed her lips to mine "your lips make me drunk". She lifted my hands to her lips "your hands make me weak and then catch me when I fall". She ran her hands through my hair "your hair makes me go crazy especially when its all messy when you first wake up". She went back to staring into my eyes "your eyes make me feel safer than anything else in this world". I felt my heart melt god she is so sweet. She kissed my lips once more "I love you so much!"

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