The Loser

63 17 26

He sat on the side of the Path, sure that the local Nuranti were going to nab him and administer Corrective Mind Procedures.

His moral suite was in disarray—his best friend having escaped from his presence due to his losing his ethical balance and ranting at her, severely...

He'd spent the nearly sleepless evening leaking fluids on to his cheek pouches.

He deeply felt his freely-chosen God would be causing a Major Visitation—disrupting his plans for redemptive actions gauged to improve his personal-trading-worth—disrupting as a Lesson, disrupting as Retribution for lack of faith in his Higher Awareness...

He stood up and tread his way toward the Refreshment Hole—seeking liquids.

Seeking confirming conversation that he was worth Something...

As he approached, he spotted a Nuranti—no way to avoid them...

The Nuranti slithered up and placed its tube-sacks against Zelnada's cheek pouches—sensing his evening's tribulations—inferring the ranting against his best friend...

Zelnada's central processing lobe was heating up—dangerously heating to a point from which he would lose complete awareness; be open to any action the Nuranti wished, no way to bargain or escape...

The heating stopped short of blankness...

The Nuranti shocked his sex organs and placed colored markings on his cheek pouches—all would know of his tribulation...

His mind was reeling in a Numb-Space...

He entered the Refreshment Hole and found no confirming conversations—the colored markings automatically made others shy away...

All but one...

No mistaking it—his God's Avenging Rager...

First was his speech pouch—ripped off and stuffed back into the hole—signifying his breaching of ethical conversing...

Then, his breath-restrainer was crushed—no way to stop puffing up to twice his normal girth—making his tactile boundary extremely fragile...

The Rager rolled out of the Refreshment Hole.

Zelnada had difficulty leaving the Hole without tearing his tactility—ripping his boundary and expiring...

He made it to the Path and willed his weakened Being into a Safety Depression...


For 40 Cycles of the Central Orb...

No guarantee he would be known by his best friend, ever again.........


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