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Marbre was confused and suspicious...

Her child was already learning and only three months from her womb; yet, she sensed a threat...

She spoke with the other mothers and the girls who would be mothers soon---they knew of no threats---all wondered what could be wrong and expressed their concern for her...

But, Marbre was not solaced by friends who couldn't sense what she did; plus, with all the political problems plaguing the worlds, she was very glad she hadn't moved to the Governing planet, Rosnm---life on Selui was harrowing enough...

She switched on her info-panel and searched the news...

There it was...

She'd been horribly upset with the way the Ruler was baldly lying and bullying, multiple times a day---hardly anyone of sound mind believed him or thought he was fit for office (matter of fact, his election did seem to prove the voting procedures needed deep improvement...).

Now, though, he had given a sinister announcement that people who disagreed with him should be jailed...

Marbre visited her friends---mothers all---and shared the news. Every one of them now understood why she had sensed a threat...


Marbre did extensive research---it appeared the Ruler could get away with jailing dissenters...

She convinced her friends to join her and form a group that claimed religious sanctity for their principles based on the proper moral teachings for children---it appeared the Law permitted exemption for religious doctrine...

They, in fact, banded together and began renting a structure they called their "Temple"...

They felt they'd done all they could to protect their children from growing up in a world going mad...

They would just wait it out in their Temple until the people decided the Ruler had to go...


Two years passed and millions had been jailed. It was a common fear that soon there would be no people opposing the ruler who were not in jail...

Marbre and her friends had had many visits from government representatives---none had attempted to disprove their "religious" claims...

Six months later, the Ruler had rammed-through a new law banning all religions.


Marbre and her friends and their children had taken flight---literally---escaping in a craft aimed at a nearby planetary system...

They had no clear knowledge what the conditions would be...

They laughed about all the fears they'd had on their homeworld...

They eventually---after four years of spaceflight---decided they really did need some form of religion to keep them sane...

When they finally arrived at their destination, they were welcomed by a race of people who believed all Real religions were true...

Now began a new concern---wondering whether their individually-crafted religion was true...


It is true---many years later---that they are still wondering; though, the whole process of seeking sanctuary and questioning their religious premises has broadened and strengthened their minds and hearts---it has been said: "Change of mind becomes change of deed; and also, change of the world."

Plus, the effect on their children of these consistent investigations has been truly remarkable...


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