Politically Correct

44 9 22

Of course Dan was special...

Every one was, in some way---his way was just being part of the historical elite---white and proud; but, tolerant of other folks; and, always politically correct...

He couldn't understand all these recent efforts to secure "rights" for so many divergent groups---it was getting to be that anyone could select some feature of their body or some aspect of their social status or some particular addiction they had and turn it into a movement; and, the media was all over all of them...

There was this black fellow at his place of work---hard working, fairly intelligent; but, too damned insistent on having every single idea heard---not just the appropriate ones; but, every single idea...

And, the young gay guy---so sensitive it seemed he'd cry if you didn't smile at him...

One stormy Monday, Dan was chosen to lead an employee meeting.

He did just what he'd been trained to do---keep things on topic---redirect stray comments toward company goals---rephrase criticisms about management---generally, make the meeting reinforce why all of them were working for the company.

The meeting was a war---he couldn't control it; so many of them were working to dismantle his every effort---he wished he had a gun so he could shut the dumb shits up...

He quit his job...

Later in the week he saw a special news item about his former company...

Another manager had brought a gun to a meeting---shot three blacks, two gays, and five other whining idiots...

He still couldn't understand all these recent efforts to secure "rights" for so many divergent groups.

But, he still felt special...

Every one was special, in some way---his way was just being part of the historical elite---white and proud; but, tolerant of other folks; except stupid blacks, prissy gays, those complete idiots who wanted some special bathroom rights, and women who wanted to do what men should do...

None of his small group of friends knew where he'd gotten to...

A few months later he was featured in some very special news coverage---him and his newly purchased gun and the slaughter he'd committed at the local mall.........


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