Why Don't You Just Get A Life?

36 13 16


I'm really nobody; but, there've been times I thought I was Way important...

Those days are over...


This getting a life thing got started by being born to religious parents...

I suppose the fact that Mom was sincerely living her Faith and Dad was horribly conflicted about it all was what got me going on the whole Maverick life-style---what else to do when you have two nearly completely opposing models of what being a human means...

I'd have to credit Mom with the influence that kept the Maverick restrained for so many years---pretend you're growing up just fine, doing all the things folks expect---act like you're getting a life...

High school was when the cracks began to appear---acting out against teachers who didn't really know what they were doing---being unable to socialize appropriately with the other kids---beginning my over forty years of drinking...

Then, the whole farce of trying to go to college---three attempts---three strike-outs...

Of course, since I couldn't ignore the fact that I was a Maverick, I thought I'd better do something that would "re-shape" me---help me get a life.

I joined the Navy...

Got a little knowledge, travelled to a couple foreign countries, picked up my drug habit---still a roaring Maverick...

So, I spent my 20s and 30s working my brain to a frazzle, still trying to get a life...

When I turned 42, I had finally done enough living and studying and conversing to realize a good thing when it came along---I became a member of an extremely modern but little known Faith...

Nearly thirty years later, I'm writing this "story"---still a Maverick, though somewhat civil about it---no longer doing various drugs---attempting to be healthy---struggling harder than ever to get a life...


What does it mean to "Get A Life"?

What does "Life" mean?

What is "Meaning"?


Pretty sure ya have to want to get a life; then, define, within yourself, what life means; then, define what meaning means; and then... things should go fairly well.........


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