When Will It Stop?

33 10 4

Dedicated to
Nathanael William Kee

Faurn was tired; but, he knew he had to finish his work...

Facts had stopped being facts; and Faurn had to try to make people wake up...

The trip back through the Belm system from Senju had brought many things to his mind...

Now, he must offload them all into his MemBot...

He wrote:

The Retributive Calamity

"We're dealing with a calamity that seems designed to purge our race from the impurity of its age-long corruptions, and bond its constituent parts into a world-embracing Fellowship."

Faurn carefully considered the title and opening statement...

He wrote on:

"We must consider a bit of history:

"The violent instabilities in our planetary system's attempts to maintain cultural equilibrium...

"The quaking that has seized the vitals of Belm-kind...

"The deep-seated and unexpected transformation of Belm society...

"The inexorable and maddeningly slow collapse of the past, accepted Order...

"The foundational changes affecting the fabric of our governments..."

He paused, considered what had been written---wrote on:

"The dwindling of the desire for the support of spirituality...

"The rise of despotism...

"The diffusion of injustice...

"The collapse of empires...

"The weakening of ministerial institutions...

"The increase of rebellion and disruption...

"The broadening and strengthening of the Movement of the Unchangeable Prerogative...

"The stimulation into conflagration of the festering fire of racial animosity...

"The development of diabolical tools of war...

"The destruction of cities...

"The befoulment of the air on the majority of our planets...

"The obscene and villainous subjection and molestation of children; including, the rape of their youth from violently enforced warmongering..."

Faurn considered his list---changed a few modifiers---considered again...

Then, he wrote:

"Circumstances like these have continued to worsen because of the linkage between the component parts of our systems of civilization---because, every minor part has connection with every major part, and what upsets one upsets the other, in ever-repeating cycles..."

Again, Faurn considered his words...

Then, he finished:

"I feel we can only call on the Spirit of our Reality to heal the sicknesses, the imbalances that have assailed us all, on every side.

"We need Monumental Unity."

Faurn reproduced his Message thousands of times, packed each one into its digital wrapper, addressed the wrappers, activated the programs for system-wide dissemination, and packed for his trip to the outpost on the minor planet, Deszm---willing to continue sending waves of his Message, for as long as his body remained alive.........


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