This World Is Way Bigger Than I'd Ever Imagined

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My name's Mary and I'm gonna try to tell a story...

I was born an only child---don't think my folks planned that---it just happened.

Like everybody, I was totally self-centered for my earliest years; but, also for all the time up to my twentieth year, 'cause my folks fought a lot, and Dad left, and Mom put me up for adoption...

So, at twenty, I fell in love and my cramped world expanded to include John...

Then, we had Suzie and my world became much larger 'cause I watched my daughter's world unfold right in front of me---I was two worlds wide, with an extra world barely orbiting around---eventually, John left, too...

Of course, Suzie grew up and went and got married herself---still two worlds; but, kind of like far apart in space...

Suzie became a bit more distant as her family grew---can't blame her 'cause her husband was an international lawyer and they were always moving around and always having babies...

Every year or so, they'd visit and my world would be very wide again with the planets Suzie and Ronald and all the grandchildren moons...

But, there was something about all those letters and pictures from Suzie as they went all over the world---I could sort of expand my world to include little pockets of other people's worlds...

Plus, Ronald being such an intelligent man and Suzie living so close with him, her letters started having bigger words---I looked them all up on-line---started thinking in new ways---made my world even wider...

Then, around 2021, Suzie said she'd become a member of an International Faith...

I've never been all that spiritual, unless you can count the love I feel for so many other souls; but, there was one Principle of Suzie's new Faith that knocked me flat and picked me up and filled me with, well, I guess I'd have to say, Spirit...

That spiritual Principle was the Oneness of Humanity...

Something about it crawled into every hour of my day---it showed itself as I watched the News---it lingered near as I chatted with neighbors---it even made Suzie and Ronald and the kids seem to be orbiting closer no matter where they happened to be...

The Oneness of Humanity...

Oneness in Space and Time---no Real separation, of Time or Space---linked into a single Family...

Still, some of my World-Expanding Family, well lots of them, are still blind to our Oneness...

Did I mention Ronald is exceedingly Rich?

So, I guess this is the final little chapter of my little story:

Suzie convinced Ronald to fund a Round the World, rest of my life, Trip...

With a few beautiful little strings attached:

--- Only spend a year in each country, until you've visited at least five other countries.

--- Make sure you tell as many folks as possible about how they belong to this Huge Human Family.

--- Be sure to Schedule a few months between countries to visit with Suzie, Ronald, all those amazing Grandchildren Moons :-)

I really recommend that all of you meditate on this Deep and Wide Spiritual Principle:

The Oneness of Humanity...

Then you, too, can say: "This World Is Way Bigger Than I'd Ever Imagined".


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