My Pet SunDogs

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What a pair they are, my brilliant SunDogs---strikingly red when they're near each other---flashing through the spectrum as they run apart---misty blue just before they dash together again.

Their names are Crystal and Diamond; and, I must say, I know of no other being who has such a set of pets.

Where and how I found them is, to say the least, improbable...

I was climbing the Northern Mountains---my usual trek---when the Sun, near the horizon, suddenly gave birth to my pets.

Of course, they weren't yet my pets; but, I knew, instantly, I had to possess them, nurture them, love them...

How to attract them...?

A chant for the Sun played with my mind...

Was my memory reliable?

I certainly didn't know what effect that particular chant would have... Would it chase them away?

As they say in the mines, "Can't win if you never try and it takes many losses to win."

I began.

Aul Wen...

Aul Wen Oni...

Aul Wen...

Aul Wen Multa...

Aul Wen, Aul Wen, Aul Wen...

I watched...

They changed their colors without moving...


They were by me---each side of me---warming my body and my heart...

I thought if I moved they'd flee...

I stood still---they hovered in their iridescent beauty...

Time slowed...

Many breaths later, I chanced a step forward---they followed...

I ran down the mountain path---they followed !

I slipped and fell over the brink---they swooped down and cushioned my fall...

Whoa !

I thought I heard my mother singing (she always sang the Sun down...).

The Sun did set then---my SunDogs dimmed but their ghostly glow let me know I was Blessed.

That was many years ago...

I don't trek the mountain anymore; but, my SunDogs will sometimes bear me up on their warmth---let me survey the setting Sun from the heights...

My pets have chased away every one of my worries and cares......... except one...

What will happen to them when my body sets in this World and my soul rises in the Next?


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