The Goal

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It seemed like a boundless Jungle; yet, he liked the coolness much better than the seemingly endless Desert he'd just been wandering in---he'd find a landmark and have it be a mirage, top a large sand dune and have it collapse under him.

Yes, he thought. He might get back on track somewhere in this Jungle...


Years later, he thought he saw a way out of the Jungle---a large Hill that rose above the creature-infested, dark and chill vegetative snarl...

He reached the top and saw a Trail leading yet further up---Is this my Path?---a Trail with large boulders and thousands of smaller rocks---Path with stumbles nearly every step---going up; but, toward his Goal?


Years later, he got to the top of the series of Foothills that, in turn, became a Mountain. At this, he paused, wondering if the Journey was worth his time; but, time was not the issue, value was---was this time of Value?


Years later, after descending the other side of the Mountain, he reached a Shore...

Should he stop here, distill Water, eat Fruits from the fringe of Trees?

But, the Goal...

He almost couldn't remember; then, a Storm broke loose and its ending brought a Rainbow...

His Goal... The Goal of Every Soul... Just on the other side of that Sea.........


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