A Very Sad (?) Tale...

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The inhabitants of the planet were trying to destroy themselves.

Well, most of the inhabitants---all but 1/10th of one percent of them.

Julia continued on her Path...

All the indications were that things wouldn't get better until they got much worse.

Julia continued on her Path...

Nearly every institution, public or private, was locked in patterns of indecisive rootlessness.

Julia continued on her Path...

She had what she considered privileged information---knowledge that some might call highly spiritual and others would condemn as worthless fantasy.

She was a member of a group that composed a very small, but growing, percentage of the planet's inhabitants; and, as a group, their unity of action was markedly obvious.

She knew that science had theories that supported the growth of committed, unified groups; in fact, predicted their progress and ascendancy over fantastically huge "odds".

She was secure in what she was doing; but, the pressure of the collapsing civilization did wreak havoc on her emotions, which she had to assuage through a number of daily hours of meditative practices...

Julia got in her car on a hazy-bright Saturday and made her weekly trip to the neighborhood, where she and six other individuals were conducting classes and consultations aimed at instilling hope and commitment in the families there---helping them become part of the sliver of a percent of the planet's population who would create the New World---initiating and nurturing the community-binding actions that humans could use to thrive in any environment.

Even fear of death was not a stop sign---call it unconquerable aspiration---call it irrepressible resolve---call it what you will, it was working.

Julia and her soul-mates---a burgeoning family of futurists---spent many years in staunch and coordinated action---they were stronger than any well-trained army, since their goals were to nourish life, not deliver death.

The planet's inhabitants who had no undying hope continued to eradicate each other, if not straightforwardly then through self-willed blindness and horribly inconsiderate patterns of mortal catastrophe...

The soul-stirring growth of the future-oriented and unified supporters of the human family continued to recruit new kindred---continued toward the universal re-building of civilization...

You may call this a tale of vast fantasy.

You may doubt the science behind the success of commitment to rational principles of human growth and solidarity.

You may cite history and cry wolf...

Yet, the force of the history of the future is in the hearts of those like Julia.........


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