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It started with great subtlety.

First came the Voice...

She was only five; but, she repeated what the Voice in her mind said, as best she could...

When her mother heard her doing this, she would say, "Damn it, Megan! Stop that! You are not a nice girl!".

However, at this stage, the Voice was very benevolent; but, oh, yes, quite fantastic---flitting into Megan's mind and flitting right out; but, she couldn't help letting the Voice form words because it was so friendly.

During the months of hearing her mother's angry and frightened denunciations, the Voice started to change---began to morph into mantras of damnation, aimed straight at the person attacking her...

But, Megan was also receiving threats to be nice in other ways---not even repeating the swear words she heard; so, naturally, she kept the new words of her Voice inside...

As time went on, her mother began calling her the little demon...

By the time she was seven, the Demon had grown into a force that, still unspoken, exerted a pressure on her behavior...

She began destroying certain things her mother liked---the lace tablecloth from grandma, the pictures of grandpa, the satin pillows on the couch---each time receiving more tirades of abusive berating along with painful slaps...

When she reached eight, she found a new release for the Demon's force---drawing what she could see it doing---on whatever surface she found---paper, walls, floors...

Now, her mother and her teacher and the counsellor who'd been called in were all deathly afraid---there was a palpable power in the drawings---Megan was an amazing artist...


She lived a few more years---always silent and increasingly debilitated from the drugs they shot into her body...

Not permitted anything to draw with, she would cut her arms on any sharp surface, using her bloody fingers to create her visible Demon...


One day...

The Demon again used words to escape from her mouth---hellish, revolting, fiery words...

The doctor was stunned---the orderlies escaped from the room---her visiting mother fainted away...

Megan, thin as a waif, trembling in her fury, uttering warnings to the world, gave up the ghost.........


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